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Noun, Verb (usu participle)


Noun combine has 3 senses

Verb combine has 7 senses


combinev. t. [LL. combinare, combinatum; L. com- + binus, pl. bini, two and two, double: cf. F. combiner. See Binary.].
  •  To unite or join; to link closely together; to bring into harmonious union; to cause or unite so as to form a homogeneous substance, as by chemical union.  [1913 Webster]
    "So fitly them in pairs thou hast combined."  [1913 Webster]
    "Friendship is the cement which really combines mankind."  [1913 Webster]
    "And all combined, save what thou must combine
    By holy marriage.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Earthly sounds, though sweet and well combined."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bind; to hold by a moral tie.  [1913 Webster]
    "I am combined by a sacred vow."  [1913 Webster]
combinev. i. 
  •  To form a union; to agree; to coalesce; to confederate.  [1913 Webster]
    "You with your foes combine,
    And seem your own destruction to design
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "So sweet did harp and voice combine."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To unite by affinity or natural attraction; as, two substances, which will not combine of themselves, may be made to combine by the intervention of a third.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In the game of casino, to play a card which will take two or more cards whose aggregate number of pips equals those of the card played.  [1913 Webster]
Combining weight (Chem.), that proportional weight, usually referred to hydrogen as a standard, and for each element fixed and exact, by which an element unites with another to form a distinct compound. The combining weights either are identical with, or are multiples or submultiples of, the atomic weight. See Atomic weight, under Atomic, a.


combine, v. & n.
1 tr. & intr. join together; unite for a common purpose.
2 tr. possess (qualities usually distinct) together (combines charm and authority).
3 a intr. coalesce in one substance. b tr. cause to do this. c intr. form a chemical compound.
4 intr. cooperate.
5 tr. harvest (crops etc.) by means of a combine harvester.
--n. a combination of esp. commercial interests to control prices etc.

combine harvester a mobile machine that reaps and threshes in one operation. combining form Gram. a linguistic element used in combination with another element to form a word (e.g. Anglo- = English, bio- = life, -graphy writing).
In this dictionary, combining form is used of an element that contributes to the particular sense of words (as with both elements of biography), as distinct from a prefix or suffix that adjusts the sense of or determines the function of words (as with un-, -able, and -ation).
combinable adj.
ME f. OF combiner or LL combinare (as COM-, L bini two)



Aktiengesellschaft, Anschluss, Bund, Rochdale cooperative, accompany, accord, accouple, accumulate, act in concert, act together, add, addition, admix, affiliate, affiliation, agglomerate, agglomeration, agglutinate, aggregate, aggregation, aggroup, agree, agreement, aktiebolag, alliance, alloy, ally, amalgamate, amalgamation, amass, articulate, assemblage, assemble, assimilate, assimilation, associate, associate with, association, assort with, attend, axis, band, band together, batch, be in cahoots, be in league, bemingle, bind, blend, blending, bloc, body, body corporate, bond, bracket, bridge, bridge over, bring together, build, build up, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, business, business establishment, cabal, cartel, cement, centralization, chain, chamber of commerce, clap together, club together, clump, cluster, coact, coadunate, coalesce, coalescence, coalition, coincide, collaborate, collect, college, colligate, collocate, collude, combination, combo, come together, commercial enterprise, commingle, commix, common market, compagnie, companion, company, compare, compile, compose, composition, compound, comprise, concatenate, concern, concert, concoct, concord, concur, confederacy, confederate, confederation, congeries, conglobulate, conglomerate, conglomerate corporation, conglomeration, conjoin, conjugate, conjugation, conjunction, connect, connive, consist of, consociate, consolidate, consolidating company, consolidation, consort with, consortium, conspiracy, conspire, constitute, construct, consumer cooperative, cooperate, cooperative, cooperative society, copartnership, copulate, corporate body, corporation, corps, corral, correspond, council, couple with, cover, credit union, cumulate, customs union, dig up, diversified corporation, do business with, draw together, dredge up, drive together, economic community, ecumenism, embodiment, embody, embrace, emulsify, encompass, encompassment, enosis, enter into, enterprise, fabricate, faction, federalization, federate, federation, firm, flock together, flux, form, free trade area, fuse, fusion, gang, gather, gather in, gather together, get heads together, get in, get together, glue, go along with, go into, go partners, go with, group, grouping, hang around with, hang together, happen together, harmonize, hash, herd together, hold together, holding company, homogenize, hook up, hookup, house, identify, immingle, immix, include, inclusion, incorporate, incorporation, industry, integrate, integration, interblend, interfuse, interlace, interlard, intermingle, intermix, intertwine, interweave, join, join in, join together, joint-stock association, joint-stock company, jumble, junction, junta, juxtapose, keep company with, keep together, knead, knot, lay together, league, league together, link, lump together, machine, make, make common cause, make one, make up, marriage, marry, marshal, mass, match, meld, melding, melt into one, merge, merge in, merger, mingle, mingle-mangle, mix, mix up, mob, mobilize, muster, operating company, organize, package, package deal, pair, partner, partnership, party, piece together, play ball, plunderbund, political machine, pool, public utility, pull together, put heads together, put together, raise, rake up, rally, reciprocate, reembody, relate, ring, roll into one, round up, run with, scramble, scrape together, shade into, shuffle, society, solder, solidification, solidify, span, splice, stand together, stick together, stir up, stock company, structure, synchronize, syncretism, syncretize, syndicate, syndication, syneresis, synergize, synthesis, synthesize, take in, take up, tape, team up, throw in together, throw together, tie, tie in, tie up, tie-up, toss together, trade association, trust, unification, unify, union, unite, unite efforts, unite in, utility, wait on, wed, wedding, work, work together, yoke




VB mix, join, combine, commix, immix, intermix, mix up with, mingle, commingle, intermingle, bemingle, shuffle, pound together, hash up, stir up, knead, brew, impregnate with, interlard, intertwine, interweave, associate with, miscegenate, be mixed, get among, be entangled with, instill, imbue, infuse, suffuse, transfuse, infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture, season, sprinkle, besprinkle, attemper, medicate, blend, cross, alloy, amalgamate, compound, adulterate, sophisticate, infect.


VB combine, unite, incorporate, amalgamate, embody, absorb, reembody, blend, merge, fuse, melt into one, consolidate, coalesce, centralize, impregnate, put together, lump together, cement a union, marry.


VB enter into, enter into the composition of, be a component, be part of, form part of, merge in, be merged in, be implicated in, share in, belong to, appertain to, combine, inhere in, unite, form, make, constitute, compose.


VB cooperate, concur, coact, synergize, conduce, combine, unite one's efforts, keep together, draw together, pull together, club together, hand together, hold together, league together, band together, be banded together, pool, stand shoulder to shoulder, put shoulder to shoulder, act in concert, join forces, fraternize, cling to one another, conspire, concert, lay one's heads together, confederate, be in league with, collude, understand one another, play into the hands of, hunt in couples, side with, take side with, go along with, go hand in hand with, join hands with, make common cause with, strike in with, unite with, join with, mix oneself up with, take part with, cast in one's lot with, join partnership, enter into partnership with, rally round, follow the lead of, come to, pass over to, come into the views of, be in the same boat, row in the same boat, sail in the same boat, sail on the same tack, be a party to, lend oneself to, chip in, participate, have a hand in, have a finger in the pie, take part in, bear part in, second, take the part of, play the game of, espouse a cause, espouse a quarrel.


N party, faction, side, denomination, communion, set, crew, band, horde, posse, phalanx, family, clan, team, tong, council, community, body, fellowship, sodality, solidarity, confraternity, familistere, familistery, brotherhood, sisterhood, knot, gang, clique, ring, circle, group, crowd, in-crowd, coterie, club, casino, machine, Tammany, Tammany Hall, corporation, corporate body, guild, establishment, company, copartnership, partnership, firm, house, joint concern, joint-stock company, cahoot, combine, trust, society, association, institute, institution, union, trades union, league, syndicate, alliance, Verein, Bund, Zollverein, combination, Turnverein, league offensive and defensive, alliance offensive and defensive, coalition, federation, confederation, confederacy, junto, cabal, camarilla, camorra, brigue, freemasonry, party spirit, Confederates, Conservatives, Democrats, Federalists, Federals, Freemason, Knight Templar, Kuklux, Kuklux Klan, KKK, Liberals, Luddites, Republicans, Socialists, Tories, Whigs staff, dramatis personae, in league, in partnership, in alliance, bonded together, banded together, linked, joined together, embattled, confederated, federative, joint, hand in hand, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, en masse, in the same boat.

See related words and definitions of word "combine" in Indonesian
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