abate, ablate, abrade, abstract, alleviate, allow, attenuate, bar, be eaten away, blunt, charge off, close, consume, consume away, corrode, count out, crumble, curtail, cut, debar, decline, decrease, deduct, deliquesce, depreciate, derogate, detract, die away, die down, dilute, diminish, discount, disedge, disparage, dive, drain, draw the teeth, drop, drop off, dull, dwindle, ease, ease off, ease up, eat away, ebb, eliminate, erode, except, extenuate, extract, fall, fall away, fall off, file away, impair, kick back, languish, leach, lessen, let down, let up, loose, loosen, make allowance, melt away, mitigate, moderate, obtund, plummet, plunge, purify, rebate, reduce, refine, refund, relax, remit, remove, repress, retrench, retund, rub away, rule out, run low, sag, shorten, shrink, sink, slack, slack off, slack up, slacken, slake, subduct, subside, subtract, suspend, tail off, take a premium, take away, take from, take off, taper, taper off, thin, thin out, turn, unbend, unbrace, unstrain, unstring, wane, waste, waste away, water down, weaken, wear, wear away, weed, withdraw, write off
decrease, diminish, lessen, abridge, shrink, drop off, fall off, tail off, fall away, waste, wear, wane, ebb, decline, descend, subside, melt away, die away, retire into the shade, hide its diminished head, fall to a low ebb, run low, languish, decay, crumble,
bate, abate, dequantitate, discount, depreciate, extenuate, lower, weaken, attenuate, fritter away, mitigate, dwarf, throw into the shade, reduce, shorten, subtract.
subduct, subtract, deduct, deduce,
bate, retrench, remove, withdraw, take from, take away, detract, garble, mutilate, amputate, detruncate, cut off, cut away, cut out, abscind, excise, pare, thin, prune, decimate, abrade, scrape, file, geld, castrate, eliminate, diminish, curtail, deprive of, weaken.
bate, abate, rebate, reduce, price down, mark down take off, allow, give, make allowance, tax.