accommodate, add up to, admit, affect, aggregate, aggregate to, amount to, arrest, assimilate, assume, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, bear, beleaguer, beset, besiege, blockade, bolt, bound, box in, bridle, bring, button, button up, cage, call for, carry, chamber, check, choke, choke off, clap, close, close in, close up, collect, come to, compass, complete, comprehend, comprise, condition, confine, constrain, constrict, contract, control, cool, cool off, coop, coop in, coop up, copyright, cordon, cordon off, corral, count in, cover, curb, curtail, decelerate, discipline, dompt, draw the line, embed, embody, embrace, encircle, enclose, encompass, enfold, enjoin, enshrine, entail, envisage, fasten, fence in, fill, fill in, fill out, fold, fold up, govern, guard, hedge about, hedge in, hem in, hinder, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in leash, hold up, house in, implicate, imply, impound, imprison, incarcerate, include, incorporate, inhibit, internalize, involve, jail, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep under control, keep within, kennel, key, latch, lay under restraint, lead to, leaguer, limit, lock, lock out, lock up, mew, mew up, moderate, mount up to, narrow, number, number among, occlude, occupy, padlock, patent, pen, pen in, plumb, pocket, presume, presuppose, prohibit, pull, pull in, put in, qualify, quarantine, rail in, receive, reckon among, reckon in, reckon up to, reckon with, register, rein, rein in, repress, require, restrain, restrict, retard, retrench, run into, run to, scant, seal, seal off, seal up, seat, secure, set back, shrine, shut, shut in, shut the door, shut up, slam, slow down, snap, snub, specialize, squeeze shut, stable, stifle, stint, straiten, strangle, subsume, suppress, surround, take, take in, take into account, take into consideration, take up, tot up to, total, tote up to, unitize, wall in, withhold, wrap, yard, yard up, zip up, zipper
be composed of, be made of, be formed of, be made up of, consist of, be resolved into, include,
contain, hold, comprehend, take in, admit, embrace, embody, involve, implicate, drag into, compose, constitute, form, make, make up, fill up, build up, enter into the composition of.
be included in, come under, fall under, range under, belong to, pertain to, range with, merge in, include, comprise, comprehend,
contain, admit, embrace, receive, inclose, embody, encircle, reckon among, enumerate among, number among, refer to, place with, arrange with, place under, take into account.