abatement of differences, accommodation, accord, act between, adjustment, advantageous purchase, advise with, agree, agree to, agreement, allow for, anticipate, arbitrate, arrange, arrangement,
bargain for, barter, beat down, bid, bid for, binding agreement, blind
bargain, bond, buy, call in, cartel, chaffer, cheapen, collective agreement, collogue, compact, compare notes, composition, compromise, concession, confer, confer with, consortium, consult, consult with, contract, convention, cop-out, counsel, count on, covenant, covenant of salt, deal, deliberate, desertion of principle, dicker, discuss, discuss with, do a deal, drive a
bargain, employment contract, engage, evasion of responsibility, exchange, exchange observations, exchange views, expect, foresee, formal agreement, give-and-take, giveaway, giving way, go between, good buy, good deal, good pennyworth, haggle, hard
bargain, have conversations, higgle, hold conference, horse trade, huckster, intercede, intermediate, interpose, intervene, ironclad agreement, jew down, judge, legal agreement, legal contract, make a deal, make terms, mediate, meet halfway, moderate, mutual agreement, mutual concession, negotiate, outbid, pact, paction, palaver, palter, parley, pennyworth, powwow, promise, protocol, put heads together, reason with, refer to, referee, represent, settlement, sit down together, sit down with, steal, step in, stipulate, stipulation, surrender, swap, take counsel, take into account, take up with, talk over, trade, trade-in, traffic, transaction, treat with, truck, umpire, underbid, understanding, undertake, union contract, valid contract, wage contract, yielding
mediate, mediatize, intercede, interpose, interfere, intervene, step in, negotiate, meet halfway, arbitrate, magnas componere lites,
compact, contract, agreement,
bargain, affidation, pact, paction, bond, covenant, indenture, bundobast, deal, stipulation, settlement, convention, compromise, cartel, Protocol, treaty, concordat, Zollverein, Sonderbund, charter, Magna Charta, Progmatic Sanction, customs union, free trade region, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT, most favored nation status, negotiation, diplomacy, negotiator, ratification, completion, signature, seal, sigil, signet, agreed, conventional, under hand and seal, caveat emptor.
contract, covenant, agree for, engage, treat, negotiate, stipulate, make terms,
bargain, make a
bargain, strike a
bargain, come to terms, come to an understanding, compromise, set at rest, close, close with, conclude, complete, settle, confirm, ratify, clench, subscribe, underwrite, endorse, indorse, put the seal to, sign, seal, indent, take one at one's word,
bargain by inch of candle.
barter, exchange, scorse, truck system, interchange, a Roland for an Oliver, quid pro quo, commutation, composition, Indian gift, trade, commerce, mercature, buying and selling,
bargain and sale, traffic, business, nundination, custom, shopping, commercial enterprise, speculation, jobbing, stockjobbing, agiotage, brokery, deal, dealing, transaction, negotiation,
bargain, free trade, commercial, mercantile, trading, interchangeable, marketable, staple, in the market, for sale, wholesale, retail, across the counter, cambio non e furto.
barter, exchange, swap, swop, truck, scorse, interchange, commutate, compound for, trade, traffic, buy and sell, give and take, nundinate, carry on a trade, ply a trade, drive a trade, be in business, be in the city, keep a shop, deal in, employ one's capital in, trade with, deal with, have dealings with, transact business with, do business with, open an account with, keep an account with,
bargain, drive a
bargain, make a
bargain, negotiate, bid for, haggle, higgle, dicker, chaffer, huckster, cheapen, beat down, stickle, stickle for, out bid, under bid, ask, charge, strike a
bargain, speculate, give a sprat to catch a herring, buy in the cheapest and sell in the dearest market, buy low and sell high, corner the market, rig the market, stag the market.
discount, abatement, concession, reduction, depreciation, allowance, qualification, set-off, drawback, poundage, agio, percentage, rebate, rebatement, backwardation, contango, salvage, tare and tret, sale,
bargain, half price, price war, wholesale, wholesale price, dealer's price, trade price, coupon, discount coupon, cents-off coupon, store coupon, manufacturer's coupon, double coupon discount, triple coupon discount, discounting, at a discount, below par, at wholesale, have a friend in the business.
cheapness, low price, depreciation,
bargain, good penny worth, snap, gratuity, free quarters, free seats, free admission, pass, free pass, free warren, give-away, freebee, run of one's teeth, nominal price, peppercorn rent, labor of love, drug in the market, deadhead, cheap, low, low priced, moderate, reasonable, inexpensive, unexpensive, well worth the money, worth the money, magnifique et pas cher, good at the price, cheap at the price, dirt cheap, dog cheap, cheap, cheap as dirt, cheap and nasty, catchpenny, discounted, half-price, depreciated, unsalable, gratuitous, gratis, free, for nothing, costless, expenseless, without charge, not charged, untaxed, scotfree, shotfree, rent-free, free of cost, free of expense, honorary, unbought, unpaid, for a mere song, for a song, at cost, at cost price, at prime cost, at a reduction, a bon marche.