Gedankenexperiment, attention, audibility, audience, aural examination, aural sense, auscultation, bench test, blue book, bugging, conference, dry run, eager attention, ear, eavesdropping, electronic surveillance, exam, examen, examination, examination by ear, favorable attention, final, final examination, flight test, great go, hearing, heeding, honors, hushed attention, interview, listening, listening in, midsemester, midterm, oral, oral examination, pilot plan, practical test, practice, prelim, quiz, rapt attention, rehearsal, road test, sense of hearing, shakedown, shakedown cruise, take-home examination, test, test flight, test run, trial, trial run, tripos, tryout, viva, wiretapping, workout, written, written examination
audition, auscultation, eavesdropping, audibility, acute ear, nice ear, delicate ear, quick ear, sharp ear, correct ear, musical ear, ear for music, ear, auricle, lug, acoustic organs, auditory apparatus, eardrum, tympanum, tympanic membrane, ear trumpet, speaking trumpet, hearing aid, stethoscope, earshot, hearing distance, hearing, hearing range, sound, carrying distance, telephone, phone, telephone booth, intercom, house phone, radiotelephone, radiophone, wireless, wireless telephone, mobile telephone, car radio, police radio, two-way radio, walkie-talkie, handie-talkie, citizen's band, CB, amateur radio, ham radio, short-wave radio, police band, ship-to-shore radio, airplane radio, control tower communication, (communication), electronic devices, phonograph, gramophone, megaphone, phonorganon, microphone, directional microphone, mike, hand mike, lapel microphone, phonograph needle, stylus, diamond stylus, pickup, reading head (electronic devices), hearer, auditor, listener, eavesdropper, listener-in, auditory, audience, otology, otorhinolaryngology, otologist, otorhinolaryngologist, hearing, auditory, auricular, acoustic, phonic, arrectis auribus, Int, hark, hark ye!, hear!, list, listen!, O yes!, Oyez!, listen up, listen here!, hear ye!, attention!, achtung.
experiment, essay, analysis, screen, trial, tentative method, t=atonnement, verification, probation, experimentum crucis, proof, (demonstration), criterion, diagnostic, test, probe, crucial test, acid test, litmus test, crucible, reagent, check, touchstone, pix, assay, ordeal, ring, litmus paper, curcuma paper, turmeric paper, test tube, analytical instruments, empiricism, rule of thumb, feeler, trial balloon, pilot balloon, messenger balloon, pilot engine, scout, straw to show the wind, speculation, random shot, leap in the dark, analyzer, analyst, assayist, adventurer, experimenter, experimentist, experimentalist, scientist, engineer, technician, subject, experimentee, guinea pig, experimental animal, protocol, experimental method, blind experiment, double-blind experiment, controlled experiment, poll, survey, opinion poll, epidemiological survey, retrospective analysis, retrospective survey, prospective survey, prospective analysis, statistical analysis, literature search, library research, tryout,
audition, discovery, measurement, evidence, deduction, induction, abduction, experimental, empirical, probative, probatory, probationary, provisional, analytic, docimastic, tentative, unverified, unproven, speculative, untested, on trial, under examination, on probation, under probation, on one's trial, on approval, check it out, give it a try, see how it goes, Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.