IC analysis, accidence, add, adjoin, affixation, agglutinate, allomorph, allonge, anchor, annex, append, appendix, attach, belay, bound morpheme, burden, cement, cinch, clamp, clinch, coda, codicil, commentary, complicate, conjoin, conjugation, cramp, cutting, declension, decorate, derivation, difference of form, enclitic, encumber, engraft, envoi, epilogue, fasten, fix, formative, free form, glue on, graft, grapple, hitch on, immediate constituent analysis, infix, infixation, inflection, interlineation, interpolation, join with, knit, make fast, marginalia, moor, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, note, ornament, paradigm, paste on, plus, postfix, postscript, prefix, prefixation, proclitic, put to, put with, radical, rider, rivet, root, saddle with, scholia, screw up, secure, set, set to, slap on, stem, subjoin, suffix, suffixation, superadd, superpose, tack on, tag, tag on, tail, theme, tighten, trice up, trim, unite with, word-formation
letter, character, hieroglyphic, type, capitals, digraph, trigraph, ideogram, ideograph, majuscule, minuscule, majuscule, minuscule, alphabet, ABC, abecedary, christcross-row, consonant, vowel, diphthong, triphthong, mute, liquid, labial, dental, guttural, syllable, monosyllable, dissyllable, polysyllable,
affix, suffix, spelling, orthograph, phonography, phonetic spelling, anagrammatism, metagrammatism, cipher, monogram, anagram, doubleacrostic, literal, alphabetical, abecedarian, syllabic, majuscular, minuscular, uncial.
add, annex,
affix, superadd, subjoin, superpose, clap on, saddle on, tack to, append, tag, ingraft, saddle with, sprinkle, introduce, insert, become added, accrue, advene, supervene, reinforce, reenforce, restrengthen, swell the ranks of, augment.
adjunct, addition, additament, additum,
affix, appelidage, annexe, annex, augment, augmentation, increment, reinforcement, supernumerary, accessory, item, garnish, sauce, accompaniment, adjective, addendum, complement, supplement, continuation, rider, offshoot, episode, side issue, corollary, piece, flap, lappet, skirt, embroidery, trappings, cortege, tail, suffix, wing, additional, alate, alated, winged, in addition.
join, unite, conjoin, connect, associate, put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together, tack together, fix together, bind up together together, embody, reembody, roll into one, attach, fix,
affix, saddle on, fasten, bind, secure, clinch, twist, make fast, tie, pinion, string, strap, sew, lace, tat, stitch, tack, knit, button, buckle, hitch, lash, truss, bandage, braid, splice, swathe, gird, tether, moor, picket, harness, chain, fetter, lock, latch, belay, brace, hook, grapple, leash, couple, accouple, link, yoke, bracket, marry, bridge over, span, braze, pin, nail, bolt, hasp, clasp, clamp, crimp, screw, rivet, impact, solder, set, weld together, fuse together, wedge, rabbet, mortise, miter, jam, dovetail, enchase, graft, ingraft, inosculate, entwine, intwine, interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, entangle, twine round, belay, tighten, trice up, screw up, be joined, hang together, hold together, cohere.