IC analysis, PS, Parthian shot, accidence, add, addendum, addition, adjoin, affix, affixation, afterthought, agglutinate, allomorph, allonge, amend, annex, append, appendix, attach, back matter, bound morpheme, burden, chorus, coda, codicil, colophon, commentary, complicate, conclusion, conjoin, conjugation, consequence, continuance, continuation, cutting, declension, decorate, derivation, desinence, difference of form, double take, dying words, enclitic, encumber, ending, envoi, epilogue, follow-through, follow-up, formative, free form, glue on, hitch on, immediate constituent analysis, infix, infixation, inflection, interlineation, interpolation, join, join with, last words, marginalia, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, note, ornament, paradigm, parting shot, paste on, peroration, plus, postface, postfix, postlude, postscript, prefix, prefixation, proclitic, put with, radical, refrain, rider, root, saddle with, scholia, second thought, sequel, sequela, sequelae, sequelant, sequent, sequitur, slap on, stem, subjoin, subscript, suffixation, superadd, superpose, supplement, swan song, tack on, tag, tag on, tail, theme, unite with, word-formation
letter, character, hieroglyphic, type, capitals, digraph, trigraph, ideogram, ideograph, majuscule, minuscule, majuscule, minuscule, alphabet, ABC, abecedary, christcross-row, consonant, vowel, diphthong, triphthong, mute, liquid, labial, dental, guttural, syllable, monosyllable, dissyllable, polysyllable, affix, suffix, spelling, orthograph, phonography, phonetic spelling, anagrammatism, metagrammatism, cipher, monogram, anagram, doubleacrostic, literal, alphabetical, abecedarian, syllabic, majuscular, minuscular, uncial.
adjunct, addition, additament, additum, affix, appelidage, annexe, annex, augment, augmentation, increment, reinforcement, supernumerary, accessory, item, garnish, sauce, accompaniment, adjective, addendum, complement, supplement, continuation, rider, offshoot, episode, side issue, corollary, piece, flap, lappet, skirt, embroidery, trappings, cortege, tail, suffix, wing, additional, alate, alated, winged, in addition.
succeed, come after, come on, come next, follow, ensue, step into the shoes of, alternate, place after, suffix, append, follow, pursue, go after, fly after, attend, beset, dance attendance on, dog, tread in the steps of, tread close upon, be in the wake of, be in the trail of, be in the rear of, go in the wake of, go in the trail of, go in the rear of, follow in the wake of, follow in the trail of, follow in the rear of, follow as a shadow, hang on the skirts of, tread on the heels of, follow on the heels of, camp on the trail.
sequel, suffix, successor, tail, queue, train, wake, trail, rear, retinue, suite, appendix, postscript, epilogue, peroration, codicil, continuation, sequela, appendage, tail piece, heelpiece, tag, more last words, colophon, aftercome, aftergrowth, afterpart, afterpiece, aftercourse, afterthought, aftergame, arriere pensee, second thoughts, outgrowth.