Aqua-Lung, Tartuffery, Tartuffism, affectation, artificial respiration, aspirate, aspiration, assibilate, assibilation, asthmatic wheeze, be hypocritical, blandish, blow, breath, breath of air, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, breathing, broken wind, buzz, cant, cough, draw in, effervesce, effervescence, effervescing, exhalation, exhale, exhaust, expel, expiration, expire, exsufflation, false piety, falseness, fizz, fizzle, fizzling, frication, frictional rustling, gasp, give lip service, give mouth honor, goody-goodiness, gulp, hack, hiccup, hiss, hissing, huff, hush, hushing, hypocrisy, inhalation, inhalator, inhale, inhalement, insincerity, inspiration, inspire, insufflation, iron lung, lisp, mealymouthedness, mouth, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mummery, nose, oiliness, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, pant, pharisaicalness, pharisaism, pietism, pietisticalness, piety, piousness, play the hypocrite, puff, reek of piety, religionism, religiosity, render lip service, respiration, respire, rhonchus, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, scent, scuba, self-righteousness, shush, shushing, sibilance, sibilate, sibilation, siffle, sigh, sigmatism, siss, sissing, sizz, sizzle, sizzling, slurp, smell, smell of, sneeze, sneezing, sniff, sniffle, snivel, snore, snoring, snort, snuff, snuff in, soft-soap, spit, splutter, sputter, squash, squelch, squish, sternutation, stertor, suck, suck in, sucking, suckle, suction, suspiration, sweet-talk, swish, twang, unction, unctuousness, wheeze, whiff, whish, whistle, whistling, white noise, whiz, whoosh, wind, zip
stammer, stutter, hesitate, falter, hammer, balbutiate, balbucinate, haw, hum and haw, be unable to put two words together, mumble, mutter, maud, mauder, whisper, mince, lisp, jabber, gibber, sputter, splutter, muffle, mump, drawl, mouth, croak, speak thick, speak through the nose, snuffle, clip one's words, murder the language, murder the King's English, murder the Queen's English, mispronounce, missay.
be impious, profane, desecrate, blaspheme, revile, scoff, swear, commit sacrilege, snuffle, turn up the whites of the eyes, idolize.
blow, waft, blow hard, blow great guns, blow a hurricane, wuther, stream, issue, respire, breathe, puff, whiff, whiffle, gasp, wheeze, snuff, snuffle, sniff, sniffle, sneeze, cough, fan, ventilate, inflate, perflate, blow up.
hiss, buzz, whiz, rustle, fizz, fizzle, wheeze, whistle, snuffle, squash, sneeze, sizzle, swish.