academic, acceptation, affective meaning, aim, aim at, allege, aspire after, aspire to, avow, be after, bearing, burden, claim, coloring, connotation, consequence, core, denotation, design, desire, destine, determine, drift, drive at, effect, essence, extension, force, gist, go for, grammatical meaning, harbor a design, have every intention, idea, impact, implication, import, intend, intendment, intension, lexical meaning, literal meaning, matter, mean, meaning, meat, message, ostensible, overtone, pertinence, pith, plan, point, postulated, practical consequence, presupposed, pretend, pretended, pretext, profess, professed, project, propose, protest too much, purported, purpose, range of meaning, real meaning, reference, referent, relation, relevance, reputed, resolve, rumored, scope, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, significance, significancy, signification, significatum, signifie, so-called, span of meaning, speculative, spirit, structural meaning, substance, sum, sum and substance, supposed, suppositional, suppositive, suspected, symbolic meaning, tenor, theoretical, think, thrust, totality of associations, transferred meaning, unadorned meaning, understanding, undertone, upshot, value
meaning, signification, significance, sense, expression, import, purport, force, drift, tenor, spirit, bearing, coloring, scope, substance, gist, essence, marrow, spirit, matter, subject, subject matter, argument, text, sum and substance, general meaning, broad meaning, substantial meaning, colloquial meaning, literal meaning, plain meaning, simple meaning, natural meaning, unstrained meaning, true meaning, honest meaning, &c 543 prima facie meaning, letter of the law, literally, after acceptation, synonym, implication, allusion, suggestion, figure of speech, acceptation, meaning, expressive, suggestive, allusive, significant, significative, significatory, pithy, full of meaning, pregnant with meaning, declaratory, intelligible, literal, synonymous, tantamount, implied, explicit, to that effect, that is to say.
mean, signify, express, import, purport, convey, imply, breathe, indicate, bespeak, bear a sense, tell of, speak of, touch on, point to, allude to, drive at, involve, declare, understand by.