American Party, Anti-Monopoly Party, Bull Moose Party, Bund, Communist Party, Composaline, Conservative Party, Constitutional Union Party, Democratic Party, Democratic-Republican Party, Diatype, Ditto, Elrod, Farmer-Labor Party, Federalist Party, Fotomatic, Fotosetter, Fototronic, Free Soil Party, Greenback Party, Intertype, Know-Nothing Party, Labour Party, Liberal Party, Liberal Republican Party, Liberty Party, Linotype, Monotype, Multigraph, National Republican Party, Photon, Populist Party, Progressive Party, Prohibition Party, Republican Party, Rochdale cooperative, Socialist Labor Party, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Tammany Hall, Teletype, Tory Party, Whig Party, Zip, addressing machine, alembic, alliance, anvil, apparatus, appliance, assemblage, association, auto, autocar, automaton, automobile, axis, band, bloc, boat, body, buggy, bus, cabal, caldron, camp, car, carve, chisel, city hall, clique, coalition, college, combination, combine, common market, confederacy, confederation, consumer cooperative, contraption, contrivance, convenience, convert, cooperative, cooperative society, corps, council, crate, credit union, crucible, cultivate, customs union, device, drive, duplicator, economic community, engine, enginery, extract, facility, faction, federation, fixture, free trade area, gadget, gang, gizmo, golem, group, grouping, grow, harvest, heap, hectograph, implement, instrument, jalopy, lathe, league, machinery, major party, make, manufacture, mechanical aid, mechanical device, mechanism, mechanize, melting pot, mill, mimeograph, mine, minor party, mob, mortar, motive power, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar, motorize, motorized vehicle, multiple party system, one-party system, opposition party, organization, partnership, party, party in power, phototypesetter, political machine, political party, power plant, power source, prime mover, process, pump, raise, rear, refine, retool, retort, ring, shape, sharpen, smelt, society, splinter party, stock ticker, system, teleprinter, teletypewriter, test tube, third party, ticker, tool, transducer, transformer, tub, two-party system, typewriter, union, utensil, utility, vehicle, voiture, wheels, wreck
instrument, machinery, mechanism, engineering, instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill, air engine, caloric engine, heat engine, gear, tackle, tackling, rig, rigging, apparatus, appliances, plant, materiel, harness, trappings, fittings, accouterments, barde, equipment, equipmentage, appointments, furniture, upholstery, chattels, paraphernalia, mechanical powers, lever, leverage, mechanical advantage, crow, crowbar, handspike, gavelock, jemmy, jimmy, arm, limb, wing, oar, paddle, pulley, wheel and axle, wheelwork, clockwork, wheels within wheels, pinion, crank, winch, cam, pedal, capstan, wheel, inclined plane, wedge, screw, spring, mainspring, can hook, glut, heald, heddle, jenny, parbuckle, sprag, water wheel, handle, hilt, haft, shaft, heft, shank, blade, trigger, tiller, helm, treadle, key, turnscrew, screwdriver, knocker, hammer, edge tool, borer, vice, teeth, nail, rope, peg, support, spoon, arms, oar, cardiograph, recapper, snowplow, tenpenny, votograph, instrumental, mechanical, machinal, brachial.
party, faction, side, denomination, communion, set, crew, band, horde, posse, phalanx, family, clan, team, tong, council, community, body, fellowship, sodality, solidarity, confraternity, familistere, familistery, brotherhood, sisterhood, knot, gang, clique, ring, circle, group, crowd, in-crowd, coterie, club, casino, machine, Tammany, Tammany Hall, corporation, corporate body, guild, establishment, company, copartnership, partnership, firm, house, joint concern, joint-stock company, cahoot, combine, trust, society, association, institute, institution, union, trades union, league, syndicate, alliance, Verein, Bund, Zollverein, combination, Turnverein, league offensive and defensive, alliance offensive and defensive, coalition, federation, confederation, confederacy, junto, cabal, camarilla, camorra, brigue, freemasonry, party spirit, Confederates, Conservatives, Democrats, Federalists, Federals, Freemason, Knight Templar, Kuklux, Kuklux Klan, KKK, Liberals, Luddites, Republicans, Socialists, Tories, Whigs staff, dramatis personae, in league, in partnership, in alliance, bonded together, banded together, linked, joined together, embattled, confederated, federative, joint, hand in hand, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, en masse, in the same boat.