Mystik tape, Scotch tape, account, adhesive tape, adjoin, alphabetize, analyze, angularity, annals, arena, arrange, ascend, assort, backset, band, bandage, bank, bar, batten, beading, beadroll, befringe, belt, bibliography, bind, binding, board, book, border, bordering, bordure, bound, break down, brim, brink, brow, calendar, call up, cant, capsize, careen, carve, catalog, catalogue, catalogue raisonne, categorize, cellophane tape, census, chalk, chalk up, check in, checklist, chronicle, cincture, class, classify, climb, close, cloth tape, coast, codify, come a cropper, commandeer, composition, confine, conscript, constituents, container, content, contents, coop, correspondence, court, courtyard, crack, craze, cultivate, culture, curtilage, cut, decline, delimited field, delve, descend, detach, detach for service, dig, digest, dip, directory, divide, divisions, docket, documentation, draft, dress, drop, edge, edging, elements, enclave, enclosure, enframe, engrave, enlist, enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, fall, fall away, fall down, fall flat, fall headlong, fall off, fall over, fall prostrate, fallow, fascia, featheredge, fertilize, field, file, fill out, fillet, fimbria, fimbriation, flange, flounce, flounder, fold, force, frame, friction tape, frill, frilling, fringe, furbelow, galloon, get a cropper, girdle, go downhill, go uphill, grade, grave, ground, group, guts, handlist, harrow, heel, hem, history, hoe, impanel, impress, incise, inclination, incline, index, induct, ingredients, innards, inscribe, insert, insides, inventory, itemize, items, join, jot down, keel, keep score, labellum, labium, labrum, lap, lath, lay down, lean, lean over, leaning, leaning tower, ledge, letters, levy, lie along, ligula, ligule, limb, limbus, line, lip, listing, log, lurch, make a memorandum, make a note, make an entry, make out, march, marge, margin, marginate, mark down, masking tape, matriculate, memorial, minute, mobilize, motif, mulch, muster, muster in, note, note down, numerate, order, pale, paling, park, part, particularize, parts, pen, pigeonhole, pipe roll, pitch, place, place upon record, plank, plastic tape, plow, poll, post, post up, press, program, prune, purfle, purl, put down, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, quad, quadrangle, ragged edge, raise, rake, range, rank, rate, recline, record, recording, recruit, reduce to writing, register, registry, relic, remains, retreat, ribband, ribbon, rim, rise, roll, roll call, rolls, roster, rota, ruffle, schedule, score, scroll, selvage, set down, set off, shelve, shore, shred, side, sideline, sidle, sign on, sign up, skirt, skirting, slant, slat, slate, slip, slope, sort, spade, specialize, specify, spill, spline, sprawl, spread-eagle, square, stagger, strake, strap, streak, streaking, stria, striation, striature, striga, striola, strip, stripe, striping, strop, stumble, subdivide, summon, swag, sway, table, tabulate, tabulation, taenia, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, take down, tally, tape, tape measure, tape-record, tapeline, theater, thin, thin out, tick off, ticker tape, till, till the soil, tilt, tip, toft, token, topple, topple down, topple over, totter, tower of Pisa, trace, trim, trimming, trip, tumble, turn turtle, type, uprise, valance, verge, vestige, videotape, weed, weed out, welt, whole, work, write, write down, write in, write out, write up, yard
will, list, see fit, think fit, determine, enjoin, settle, volunteer, have a will of one's own, do what one chooses, have it all, one's own way, have one's will, have one's own way, use one's discretion, exercise one's discretion, take upon oneself, take one's own course, take the law into one's own hands, do of one's own accord, do upon one's own authority, originate.
offers one's choice, set before, hold out the alternative, present the alternative, offer the alternative, put to the vote, use option, use discretion, exercise option, exercise discretion, one's option, adopt, take up, embrace, espouse, choose, elect, opt for, take one's choice, make one's choice, make choice of, fix upon, vote, poll, hold up one's hand, divide, settle, decide, list, make up one's mind, select, pick and choose, pick out, single out, cull, glean, winnow, sift the chaff from the wheat, separate the chaff from the wheat, winnow the chaff from the wheat, pick up, pitch upon, pick one's way, indulge one's fancy, set apart, mark out for, mark, prefer, have rather, have as lief, fancy, be persuaded, take a decided step, take a decisive step, commit oneself to a course, pass the Rubicon, cross the Rubicon, cast in one's lot with, take for better or for worse.
list, catalog, catalogue, inventory, register, account, bill, bill of costs, terrier, tally, listing, itemization, atlas, book, ledger, catalogue raisonne, tableau, invoice, bill of lading, prospectus, bill of fare, menu, carte, score, census, statistics, returns, contents, table of contents, outline, synopsis, checklist, table, chart, database, index, inverted file, word list, concordance, dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary, thesaurus, file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book, Red book, Blue book, Domesday book, cadastre, directory, gazetter, almanac, army list, clergy list, civil service list, navy list, Almanach de Gotha, cadaster, Lloyd's register, nautical almanac, who's who, Guiness's Book of World Records, roll, check roll, checker roll, bead roll, muster roll, muster book, roster, panel, jury list, cartulary, diptych, cadastral.
list, itemize, sort, collate, enumerate, tabulate, catalog, tally.
contention, strife, contest, contestation, struggle, belligerency, opposition, controversy, polemics, debate, war of words, logomachy, litigation, paper war, high words, sparring, competition, rivalry, corrivalry, corrivalship, agonism, concours, match, race, horse racing, heat, steeple chase, handicap, regatta, field day, sham fight, Derby day, turf, sporting, bullfight, tauromachy, gymkhana, boat race, torpids, wrestling, greco-roman wrestling, pugilism, boxing, fisticuffs, the manly art of self-defense, spar, mill, set-to, round, bout, event, prize fighting, quarterstaff, single stick, gladiatorship, gymnastics, jiujitsu, jujutsu, kooshti, sumo, athletics, athletic sports, games of skill, shindy, fracas, clash of arms, tussle, scuffle, broil, fray, affray, affrayment, velitation, colluctation, luctation, brabble, brigue, scramble, melee, scrimmage, stramash, bushfighting, free fight, stand up fight, hand to hand, running fight, conflict, skirmish, rencounter, encounter, rencontre, collision, affair, brush, fight, battle, battle royal, combat, action, engagement, joust, tournament, tilt, tilting, tournay, list, pitched battle, death struggle, struggle for life or death, life or death struggle, Armageddon, hard knocks, sharp contest, tug of war, naval engagement, naumachia, sea fight, duel, duello, single combat, monomachy, satisfaction, passage d'armes, passage of arms, affair of honor, triangular duel, hostile meeting, digladiation, deeds of arms, feats of arms, appeal to arms, pugnacity, combativeness, bone of contention, contending, together by the ears, at loggerheads, at war, at issue, competitive, rival, belligerent, contentious, combative, bellicose, unpeaceful, warlike, quarrelsome, pugnacious, pugilistic, gladiatorial, palestric, palestrical, a verbis ad verbera, a word and a blow, a very pretty quarrel as it stands, commune periculum concordiam parit, lis litem generat.
filament, line, fiber, fibril, funicle, vein, hair, capillament, cilium, cilia, pilus, pili, tendril, gossamer, hair stroke, veinlet, venula, venule, wire, string, thread, packthread, cotton, sewing silk, twine, twist, whipcord, tape, ribbon, cord, rope, yarn, hemp, oakum, jute, strip, shred, slip, spill, list, band, fillet, fascia, ribbon, riband, roll, lath, splinter, shiver, shaving, beard, ramification, strand, filamentous, filamentiferous, filaceous, filiform, fibrous, fibrillous, thread-like, wiry, stringy, ropy, capillary, capilliform, funicular, wire-drawn, anguilliform, flagelliform, hairy, taeniate, taeniform, taenioid, venose, venous.
desire, wish, wish for, be desirous, have a longing, hope, care for, affect, like, list, take to, cling to, take a fancy to, fancy, prefer, have an eye, have a mind to, find it in one's heart, have a fancy for, set one's eyes upon, cast a sheep's eye upon, look sweet upon, take into one's head, have at heart, be bent upon, set one's cap at, set one's heart upon, set one's mind upon, covet, want, miss, need, feel the want of, would fain have, would fain do, would be glad of, be hungry, have a good appetite, play a good knife and fork, hunger after, thirst after, crave after, lust after, itch after, hanker after, run mad after, raven for, die for, burn to, desiderate, sigh for, cry for, gape for, gasp for, pine for, pant for, languish for, yearn for, long, be on thorns for, hope for, aspire after, catch at, grasp at, jump at, woo, court, solicit, fish for, spell for, whistle for, put up for, ogle, cause desire, create desire, raise desire, excite desire, provoke desire, whet the appetite, appetize, titillate, allure, attract, take one's fancy, tempt, hold out temptation, hold out allurement, tantalize, make one's mouth water, faire venir l'eau a la bouche, gratify desire.
obliquity, inclination, slope, slant, crookedness, slopeness, leaning, bevel, tilt, bias, list, twist, swag, cant, lurch, distortion, bend, tower of Pisa, acclivity, rise, ascent, gradient, khudd, rising ground, hill, bank, declivity, downhill, dip, fall, devexity, gentle slope, rapid slope, easy ascent, easy descent, shelving beach, talus, monagne Russe, facilis descensus averni.
edge, verge, brink, brow, brim, margin, border, confine, skirt, rim, flange, side, mouth, jaws, chops, chaps, fauces, lip, muzzle, threshold, door, porch, portal, coast, shore, frame, fringe, flounce, frill, list, trimming, edging, skirting, hem, selvedge, welt, furbelow, valance, gimp, border, marginal, skirting, labial, labiated, marginated.
hear, overhear, hark, harken, list, listen, pay attention, take heed, give an ear, lend an ear, bend an ear, catch, catch a sound, prick up one's ears, give ear, give a hearing, give audience to, hang upon the lips of, be all ears, listen with both ears, become audible, meet the ear, fall upon the ear, catch the ear, reach the ear, be heard, ring in the ear.
hearing, audition, auscultation, eavesdropping, audibility, acute ear, nice ear, delicate ear, quick ear, sharp ear, correct ear, musical ear, ear for music, ear, auricle, lug, acoustic organs, auditory apparatus, eardrum, tympanum, tympanic membrane, ear trumpet, speaking trumpet, hearing aid, stethoscope, earshot, hearing distance, hearing, hearing range, sound, carrying distance, telephone, phone, telephone booth, intercom, house phone, radiotelephone, radiophone, wireless, wireless telephone, mobile telephone, car radio, police radio, two-way radio, walkie-talkie, handie-talkie, citizen's band, CB, amateur radio, ham radio, short-wave radio, police band, ship-to-shore radio, airplane radio, control tower communication, (communication), electronic devices, phonograph, gramophone, megaphone, phonorganon, microphone, directional microphone, mike, hand mike, lapel microphone, phonograph needle, stylus, diamond stylus, pickup, reading head (electronic devices), hearer, auditor, listener, eavesdropper, listener-in, auditory, audience, otology, otorhinolaryngology, otologist, otorhinolaryngologist, hearing, auditory, auricular, acoustic, phonic, arrectis auribus, Int, hark, hark ye!, hear!, list, listen!, O yes!, Oyez!, listen up, listen here!, hear ye!, attention!, achtung.