AWOL, Brownian movement, French leave, a mass of, a world of, abandonment, abscond, absence without leave, absquatulation, acciaccatura, advance, aeronautics, aeroplane, air arm, air corps, air force, air service, air speed, aircraft, airlift, airline, airliner, alienation, altitude peak, angular motion, appoggiatura, arabesque, army, arrow, arrowhead, ascending, ascent, astronautics, autism, autistic thinking, automatic control, aviation, avoidance mechanism, axial motion, backflowing, backing, backward motion, ballooning, barb, beat a retreat, bevy, blame-shifting, blast-off, blind flying, bobtailed arrow, bolt, bolting, break, breakout, bunch, burn, burnout, cadence, cadenza, career, ceiling, celerity, charm, chested arrow, climbing, cloth yard shaft, cloud, cloud-seeding, clutter, coloratura, commercial aviation, compensation, contact flying, course, covey, cruising, current, dart, decamp, decampment, decompensation, defense mechanism, deliverance, delivery, depart, departure, dereism, dereistic thinking, descending, descent, desert, desertion, disappearance, disappearing act, dismiss, dispatch, disperse, displacement, dissociation, division, downward motion, drift, driftage, ebbing, egress, elopement, embellishment, emergence, emigration, emotional insulation, end of burning, escadrille, escape, escape into fantasy, escape mechanism, escapism, evacuation, evasion, excursion, exit, exodus, expatriation, expedition, extrication, fantasizing, fantasy, fastness, feather, fioritura, flee, fleeing, flit, flock, flocks, flourish, flow, flurry, flux, flying, forward motion, freeing, fugitation, gaggle, general aviation, getaway, gliding, going, grace, grace note, ground speed, hail, haste, hasty retreat, hegira, hive, hop, host, hurry, ignition, immigration, impact, in-migration, incidental, incidental note, instantaneousness, intermigration, isolation, issuance, issue, jailbreak, jam, jump, knots, lam, large amount, launch, leak, leakage, leaving, legion, liberation, lift-off, light out, lightning speed, long mordent, lots, many, masses of, migration, miles per hour, mob, mordent, mounting, muchness, multitude, murmuration, negativism, nest, numbers, oblique motion, ongoing, onrush, ornament, out-migration, outlet, overcompensation, pack, parting, passage, passing, pilotage, plague, plane, plunging, plurality, pralltriller, precipitation, prisonbreak, progress, projection, promptitude, promptness, psychotaxis, put to flight, quantities, quarrel, quick exit, quickness, quite a few, radial motion, random motion, rapidity, rationalization, reed, reflowing, refluence, reflux, regression, release, remigration, removal, rescue, resistance, retirement, retreat, retrogression, riddance, rising, rocket launching, roulade, round pace, rout, rpm, ruck, run, running away, rush, sailing, sailplaning, scape, scores, scramming, send away, send off, send packing, set, setting-free, shaft, shoal, shoot, shot, shove off, sideward motion, single mordent, sinking, skedaddle, skedaddling, skein, slip, snappiness, soaring, sociological adjustive reactions, solo, speed, speediness, split, spring, squadron, stampede, sternway, strategic air force, stream, sublimation, subsiding, substitution, swarm, swarming, swift rate, swiftness, tactical air force, take flight, test flight, throng, tidy sum, traject, trajectory, trajet, transmigration, trek, trend, trip, turn, upward motion, velocity, velocity peak, vent, volley, walkout, watch, wing, winging, wish-fulfillment fantasy, wishful thinking, withdraw, withdrawal, worlds of
avoidance, abstention, abstinence, for bearance, refraining, inaction, neutrality, avoidance, evasion, elusion, seclusion, avolation, flight, escape, retreat, recoil, departure, rejection, shirker, truant, fugitive, refugee, runaway, runagate, maroon, unsought, unattempted, avoiding, neutral, shy of, elusive, evasive, fugitive, runaway, shy, wild, Adj, lest, in order to avoid, Int, forbear!, keep off, hands off!, sauve qui peut!, every man for himself!, devil take the hindmost!, things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.
escape, scape, avolation, elopement, flight, evasion, retreat, narrow escape, hairbreadth escape, close call, come off, impunity, loophole, path, refuse, vent, vent peg, safety valve, drawbridge, fire escape, reprieve, liberation, refugee, escaping, escaped, stolen away, fled, the bird has flown the coop.
multitude, numerous, numerosity, numerality, multiplicity, profusion, legion, host, great number, large number, round number, enormous number, a quantity, numbers, array, sight, army, sea, galaxy, scores, peck, bushel, shoal, swarm, draught, bevy, cloud, flock, herd, drove, flight, covey, hive, brood, litter, farrow, fry, nest, crowd, lots, all in the world and his wife, greater number, majority, multiplication, multiple, many, several, sundry, divers, various, not a few, Briarean, a hundred, a thousand, a myriad, a million, a quadrillion, a nonillion, a thousand and one, some ten or a dozen, some forty or fifty, half a dozen, half a hundred, very many, full many, ever so many, numerous, numerose, profuse, in profusion, manifold, multiplied, multitudinous, multiple, multinominal, teeming, populous, peopled, crowded, thick, studded, galore, thick coming, many more, more than one can tell, a world of, no end of, no end to, cum multis aliis, thick as hops, thick as hail, plenty as blackberries, numerous as the stars in the firmament, numerous as the sands on the seashore, numerous as the hairs on the head, and what not, and heaven knows what, endless, their name is 'legion', acervatim, en foule, many- headed multitude, numerous as glittering gems of morning dew, vel prece vel pretio.
navigation, aquatics, boating, yachting, ship, oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron, natation, swimming, fin, flipper, fish's tail, aerostation, aerostatics, aeronautics, balloonery, balloon, ballooning, aviation, airmanship, flying, flight, volitation, wing, pinion, rocketry, space travel, astronautics, orbital mechanics, orbiting, voyage, sail, cruise, passage, circumnavigation, periplus, headway, sternway, leeway, fairway, mariner, flight, trip, shuttle, run, airlift, sailing, volant, aerostatic, seafaring, nautical, maritime, naval, seagoing, coasting, afloat, navigable, aerial, aeronautic, grallatory, under way, under sail, under canvas, under steam, on the wing, in flight, in orbit, bon voyage, spread the thin oar and catch the driving gale,
navigation, aquatics, boating, yachting, ship, oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron, natation, swimming, fin, flipper, fish's tail, aerostation, aerostatics, aeronautics, balloonery, balloon, ballooning, aviation, airmanship, flying, flight, volitation, wing, pinion, rocketry, space travel, astronautics, orbital mechanics, orbiting, voyage, sail, cruise, passage, circumnavigation, periplus, headway, sternway, leeway, fairway, mariner, flight, trip, shuttle, run, airlift, sailing, volant, aerostatic, seafaring, nautical, maritime, naval, seagoing, coasting, afloat, navigable, aerial, aeronautic, grallatory, under way, under sail, under canvas, under steam, on the wing, in flight, in orbit, bon voyage, spread the thin oar and catch the driving gale.
velocity, speed, celerity, swiftness, rapidity, eagle speed, expedition, pernicity, acceleration, haste, spurt, rush, dash, race, steeple chase, smart rate, lively rate, swift rate, rattling rate, spanking rate, strapping rate, smart pace, lively pace, swift pace, rattling pace, spanking pace, strapping pace, round pace, flying, flight, lightning, greased lightning, light, electricity, wind, cannon ball, rocket, arrow, dart, hydrargyrum, quicksilver, telegraph, express train, torrent, eagle, antelope, courser, race horse, gazelle, greyhound, hare, doe, squirrel, camel bird, chickaree, chipmunk, hackee, ostrich, scorcher, Mercury, Ariel, Camilla, Harlequin, log, log line, speedometer, odometer, tachometer, strobe, radar speed detector, radar trap, air speed gauge, wind sock, wind speed meter, pedometer, fast, speedy, swift, rapid, quick, fleet, aliped, nimble, agile, expeditious, express, active, flying, galloping, light footed, nimble footed, winged, eagle winged, mercurial, electric, telegraphic, light-legged, light of heel, swift as an arrow, quick as lightning, quick as a thought, swiftly, with speed, apace, at a great rate, at full speed, at railway speed, full drive, full gallop, posthaste, in full sail, tantivy, trippingly, instantaneously, under press of sail, under press of canvas, under press of sail and steam, velis et remis, on eagle's wing, in double quick time, with rapid strides, with giant strides, a pas de geant, in seven league boots, whip and spur, ventre a terre, as fast as one's legs will carry one, as fast as one's heels will carry one, as fast as one can lay legs to the ground, at the top of one's speed, by leaps and bounds, with haste, vires acquirit eundo, I'll put a girdle about the earth in forty minutes, swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow, go like a bat out of hell, tempus fugit.
recession, retirement, withdrawal, retreat, retrocession, departure, recoil, flight, receding, distance oneself from a person.
departure, decession, decampment, embarkation, outset, start, removal, exit, exodus, hejira, flight, leave taking, valediction, adieu, farewell, goodbye, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, dosvidanya, ciao, aloha, hasta la vista, stirrup cup, valedictorian, starting point, starting post, point of departure, point of embarkation, place of departure, place of embarkation, port of embarkation, airport, take-off point, taxiing runway, runway, launching pad, spaceport, departing, valedictory, outward bound, whence, hence, thence, with a foot in the stirrup, on the wing, on the move, Int, begone!, farewell!, adieu!, goodbye!, good day!, au revoir!, fare you well!, God bless you!, God speed!, all aboard!, auf wiedersehen!, au plaisir de vous revoir!, bon voyage!, gluckliche Reise!, vive valeque!.