TelAutography, Teletype, Teletype network, Teletyping, antelope, ardor, arrow, benzine, blue darter, blue streak, cannonball, closed-circuit telegraphy, coal oil, code, courser, dart, duplex telegraphy, eagle, energy, excitement, express train, facsimile telegraph, fervency, flash, gas, gasoline, gazelle, greased lightning, greyhound, hare, illuminant, illuminating gas, intensity, interrupter, jet plane, kerosene, key, light, light source, lightning, luminant, mercury, multiplex telegraphy, news ticker, oil, paraffin, petrol, petroleum, quadruplex telegraphy, quicksilver, railroad telegraphy, receiver, rocket, scared rabbit, sender, shot, simplex telegraphy, single-current telegraphy, sounder, stock ticker, streak, streak of lightning, striped snake, submarine telegraphy, swallow, telegraphics, telegraphy, teleprinter, teletypewriter, teletypewriting, telex, tenseness, tension, thought, thunderbolt, ticker, torrent, transmitter, typotelegraph, typotelegraphy, verve, vibrations, wind, wire service
power, potency, potentiality, jiva, puissance, might, force, energy, dint, right hand, right arm, ascendency, sway, control, prepotency, prepollence, almightiness, omnipotence, authority, strength, ability, ableness, competency, efficacy, efficiency, productivity, expertise (skill), validity, cogency, enablement, vantage ground, influence, pressure, conductivity, elasticity, gravity, electricity, magnetism, galvanism, voltaic electricity, voltaism, electromagnetism, atomic power, nuclear power, thermonuclear power, fuel cell, hydraulic power, water power, hydroelectric power, solar power, solar energy, solar panels, tidal power, wind power, attraction, vis inertiae, vis mortua, vis viva, potential energy, dynamic energy, dynamic friction, dynamic suction, live circuit, live rail, live wire, capability, capacity, quid valeant humeri quid ferre recusent, faculty, quality, attribute, endowment, virtue, gift, property, qualification, susceptibility, powerful, puissant, potential, capable, able, equal to, up to, cogent, valid, efficient, productive, effective, effectual, efficacious, adequate, competent, multipotent, plenipotent, omnipotent, almighty, forcible, (energetic), influential, productive, powerfully, by virtue of, by dint of, a toute force, dos moi pou sto kai kino ten gen, eripuit coelo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis, fortis cadere cedere non potest.
velocity, speed, celerity, swiftness, rapidity, eagle speed, expedition, pernicity, acceleration, haste, spurt, rush, dash, race, steeple chase, smart rate, lively rate, swift rate, rattling rate, spanking rate, strapping rate, smart pace, lively pace, swift pace, rattling pace, spanking pace, strapping pace, round pace, flying, flight, lightning, greased lightning, light, electricity, wind, cannon ball, rocket, arrow, dart, hydrargyrum, quicksilver, telegraph, express train, torrent, eagle, antelope, courser, race horse, gazelle, greyhound, hare, doe, squirrel, camel bird, chickaree, chipmunk, hackee, ostrich, scorcher, Mercury, Ariel, Camilla, Harlequin, log, log line, speedometer, odometer, tachometer, strobe, radar speed detector, radar trap, air speed gauge, wind sock, wind speed meter, pedometer, fast, speedy, swift, rapid, quick, fleet, aliped, nimble, agile, expeditious, express, active, flying, galloping, light footed, nimble footed, winged, eagle winged, mercurial, electric, telegraphic, light-legged, light of heel, swift as an arrow, quick as lightning, quick as a thought, swiftly, with speed, apace, at a great rate, at full speed, at railway speed, full drive, full gallop, posthaste, in full sail, tantivy, trippingly, instantaneously, under press of sail, under press of canvas, under press of sail and steam, velis et remis, on eagle's wing, in double quick time, with rapid strides, with giant strides, a pas de geant, in seven league boots, whip and spur, ventre a terre, as fast as one's legs will carry one, as fast as one's heels will carry one, as fast as one can lay legs to the ground, at the top of one's speed, by leaps and bounds, with haste, vires acquirit eundo, I'll put a girdle about the earth in forty minutes, swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow, go like a bat out of hell, tempus fugit.
attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, drawing to, pulling towards, adduction, electrical attraction, electricity, static electricity, static, static cling, magnetism, magnetic attraction, gravity, attraction of gravitation, lodestone, loadstone, lodestar, loadstar, magnet, permanent magnet, siderite, magnetite, electromagnet, magnetic coil, voice coil, magnetic dipole, motor coil, rotor, stator, electrical charge, positive charge, negative charge, magnetic pole, north pole, south pole, magnetic monopole, attracting, attrahent, attractive, adducent, adductive, centrifugal, ubi mel ibi apes.