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Daftar Isi -- Crude
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Adjective, Noun


Noun Crude has 1 sense

Adjective Crude has 6 senses

  • crude(s = adj.all) rough - not carefully or expertly made; "managed to make a crude splint"; "a crude cabin of logs with bark still on them"; "rough carpentry"
  • Derived form noun crudeness3
  • crude(s = adj.all) earthy, gross, vulgar - conspicuously and tastelessly indecent; "coarse language"; "a crude joke"; "crude behavior"; "an earthy sense of humor"; "a revoltingly gross expletive"; "a vulgar gesture"; "full of language so vulgar it should have been edited"
  • Derived forms noun crudeness2, noun crudity2
  • crude(a = adj.all) unprocessed, unrefined - not refined or processed; "unrefined ore"; "crude oil"
  • Derived forms noun crudeness3, noun crudity1
  • crude(s = adj.all) primitive, rude - belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness; "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"; "primitive movies of the 1890s"; "primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains"
  • Derived forms noun crudeness1, noun crudity1
  • crude(s = adj.all) blunt, stark - devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment; "the blunt truth"; "the crude facts"; "facing the stark reality of the deadline"
  • crude(s = adj.all) raw - not processed or subjected to analysis; "raw data"; "the raw cost of production"; "only the crude vital statistics"
  • Derived form noun crudity1


Crudea. [L. crudus raw; akin to cruor blood (which flows from a wound). See Raw, and cf. Cruel.].
  •  In its natural state; not cooked or prepared by fire or heat; undressed; not altered, refined, or prepared for use by any artificial process; raw; as, crude flesh.  Boyle.  [1913 Webster]
    "Molding to its will each successive deposit of the crude materials."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Unripe; not mature or perfect; immature.  [1913 Webster]
    "I come to pluck your berries harsh and crude."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not reduced to order or form; unfinished; not arranged or prepared; ill-considered; immature.  Macaulay.  [1913 Webster]
    "Crude, undigested masses of suggestion, furnishing rather raw materials for composition."  [1913 Webster]
    "The originals of Nature in their crude
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Undigested; unconcocted; not brought into a form to give nourishment.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having, or displaying, superficial and undigested knowledge; without culture or profundity; as, a crude reasoner.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Harsh and offensive, as a color; tawdry or in bad taste, as a combination of colors, or any design or work of art.  [1913 Webster]


Crude, adj. & n.
1 a in the natural or raw state; not refined. b rough, unpolished; lacking finish.
2 a (of an action or statement or manners) rude, blunt. b offensive, indecent (a crude gesture).
3 a Statistics (of figures) not adjusted or corrected. b rough (a crude estimate).
--n. natural mineral oil.

crudely adv. crudeness n. crudity n.
ME f. L crudus raw, rough



Doric, abhorrent, abominable, amateurish, arrested, avgas, backward, barbaric, barbarous, barnyard, base, beastly, below contempt, beneath contempt, blatant, blinding, blue, blunt, boorish, brazen, brazenfaced, brusque, cacophonous, caddish, cloddish, clodhopping, clumsy, coarse, colorful, contemptible, crass, crude oil, despicable, detestable, dirty, disgusting, doggerel, dysphemistic, earthy, embryonic, ethyl, ethyl gas, execrable, extravagant, fetid, filthy, flagrant, flaring, flashy, flaunting, forbidding, fossil oil, foul, fulsome, garish, gas, gasoline, gaudy, glaring, gorgeous, graceless, gross, harsh, hateful, heinous, high-octane gas, high-test, ignoble, ignorant, ill-bred, immature, improper, impure, in bad taste, in embryo, in ovo, in the rough, inadequate, inconcinnate, inconcinnous, inconsiderate, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, ineffective, inelegant, inexpert, infelicitous, inferior, insensible, insensitive, kerosene, lead-free gas, loathsome, loud, loutish, louty, low, low-lead gas, lowbred, lurid, malodorous, mephitic, meretricious, miasmal, miasmic, motor oil, nasty, native, natural, nauseating, noisome, noxious, objectionable, obnoxious, obscene, obtrusive, odious, offensive, ore, original, outlandish, overbright, oversimple, paraffin, petrol, petroleum, poor, premium gas, prentice, primitive, rare, raunchy, raw, raw material, rebarbative, red, reductionistic, reductive, regular, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, ribald, rich ore, rich vein, risque, rock oil, rough, rough diamond, roughcast, roughhewn, rude, rudimental, rudimentary, run-of-mine, rustic, savage, screaming, sensational, shameless, shrieking, sickening, simplistic, smutty, spectacular, stinking, stunted, tactless, tasteless, tawdry, unanalyzed mass, unbaked, unblown, unboiled, uncivil, uncooked, uncourtly, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, undercooked, underdeveloped, underdone, undeveloped, undignified, undressed, unenlightened, uneuphonious, unfashioned, unfelicitous, unfeminine, unfinished, unformed, ungenteel, ungentle, ungentlemanly, ungraceful, ungraded, unhewn, unlabored, unladylike, unlicked, unlicked cub, unmatured, unpolished, unprocessed, unproficient, unrefined, unseemly, unskilled, unsolicitous, unsophisticated, unsorted, untaught, untrained, untreated, unworked, unwrought, vile, virgin soil, vulgar




N inelegance, stiffness, unlettered Muse, barbarism, slang, solecism, mannerism, euphuism, fustian, cacophony, words that break the teeth, words that dislocate the jaw, marinism, inelegant, graceless, ungraceful, harsh, abrupt, dry, stiff, cramped, formal, guinde, forced, labored, artificial, mannered, ponderous, awkward, uncourtly, unpolished, turgid, affected, euphuistic, barbarous, uncouth, grotesque, rude, crude, halting, offensive to ears polite, Spoken Language.


N imperfection, imperfectness, deficiency, inadequacy, peccancy, immaturity, fault, defect, weak point, screw loose, flaw, gap, twist, taint, attainder, bar sinister, hole in one's coat, blemish, weakness, half blood, shortcoming, drawback, seamy side, mediocrity, no great shakes, no great catch, not much to boast of, one-horse shay, imperfect, not perfect, deficient, defective, faulty, unsound, tainted, out of order, out of tune, cracked, leaky, sprung, warped, lame, injured, peccant, frail, inadequate, crude, incomplete, found wanting, below par, short-handed, below its full strength, under its full strength, below its full complement, indifferent, middling, ordinary, mediocre, average, so-so, coucicouci, milk and water, tolerable, fair, passable, pretty well, pretty good, rather good, moderately good, good, good enough, well enough, adequate, decent, not bad, not amiss, inobjectionable, unobjectionable, admissible, bearable, only better than nothing, secondary, inferior, second-rate, second-best, one-horse, almost, to a limited extent, rather, pretty, moderately, passing, only, considering, all things considered, enough, surgit amari aliquid.


N incompleteness, deficiency, short measure, shortcoming, insufficiency, imperfection, immaturity, half measures, defect, deficit, defalcation, omission, caret, shortage, interval, break, noncompletion, missing link, missing piece, missing part, gap, hole, lacuna, incomplete, imperfect, unfinished, uncompleted &c (complete), defective, deficient, wanting, lacking, failing, in default, in arrear, short of, hollow, meager, lame, halfand-half, perfunctory, sketchy, crude, mutilated, garbled, docked, lopped, truncated, in progress, in hand, going on, proceeding, incompletely, by halves, caetera desunt, caret.


N nonpreparation, non-preparation, absence of preparation, want of preparation, inculture, inconcoction, improvidence, immaturity, crudity, rawness, abortion, disqualification, nature, state of nature, virgin soil, unweeded garden, neglect, rough copy, germ, raw material, improvisation, unprepared (prepare), without preparation, incomplete, rudimental, embryonic, abortive, immature, unripe, kachcha, raw, green, crude, coarse, rough cast, rough hewn, in the rough, unhewn, unformed, unfashioned, unwrought, unlabored, unblown, uncooked, unboiled, unconcocted, unpolished, unhatched, unfledged, unnurtured, unlicked, untaught, uneducated, uncultivated, untrained, untutored, undrilled, unexercised, deckle- edged, precocious, premature, undigested, indigested, unmellowed, unseasoned, unleavened, unrehearsed, unscripted, extemporaneous, improvised, spontaneous, ad lib, ad libitem, fallow, unsown, untilled, natural, in a state of nature, undressed, in dishabille, en deshabille, unqualified, disqualified, unfitted, ill-digested, unbegun, unready, unarranged, unorganized, unfurnished, unprovided, unequipped, untrimmed, out of gear, out of order, dismantled, shiftless, improvident, unthrifty, thriftless, thoughtless, unguarded, happy-go- lucky, caught napping, unpremeditated, extempore.


N color, hue, tint, tinge, dye, complexion, shade, tincture, cast, livery, coloration, glow, flush, tone, key, pure color, positive color, primary color, primitive complementary color, three primaries, spectrum, chromatic dispersion, broken color, secondary color, tertiary color, local color, coloring, keeping, tone, value, aerial perspective, chromatics, spectrum analysis, spectroscopy, chromatism, chromatography, chromatology, prism, spectroscope, spectrograph, spectrometer, colorimeter (optical instruments), pigment, coloring matter, paint, dye, wash, distemper, stain, medium, mordant, oil paint, colored, colorific, tingent, tinctorial, chromatic, prismatic, full-colored, high-colored, deep-colored, doubly-dyed, polychromatic, chromatogenous, tingible, bright, vivid, intense, deep, fresh, unfaded, rich, gorgeous, gay, gaudy, florid, gay, garish, rainbow-colored, multihued, showy, flaunting, flashy, raw, crude, glaring, flaring, discordant, inharmonious, mellow, pastel, harmonious, pearly, sweet, delicate, tender, refined.

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