Lilliputian, Sanforized, Tom Thumb, adust, anile, atrophied, attenuated, baked, brittle, burnt, cadaverous, consumed, corky, corpselike, crabbed, debilitated, decrepit, dehydrated, desiccated, doddered, doddering, doddery, dried, dried-up, dumpy, dwarf, dwarfed, dwarfish, elfin, emacerated, emaciate, emaciated, evaporated, exsiccated, feeble, fossilized, gerontal, gerontic, haggard, hollow-eyed, incipient, infirm, jejune, marantic, marasmic, meager, midget, mossbacked, moth-eaten, mummified, mummylike, nanoid, palsied, papery, papery-skinned, parched, parchmenty, peaked, peaky, pinched, poor, preshrunk, puny, pygmy, ravaged with age, rickety, rudimental, rudimentary, run to seed, runty, rusty, scorched, scraggy, scrubby, sear, seared, senile, sere, shaky, shriveled, shriveled up, shrunk, shrunken, skeletal, squat, starved, starveling, stricken in years, stunted, sun-dried, sunbaked, tabetic, tabid, thin, timeworn, tottering, tottery, underfed, undernourished, undersize, undersized, wasted, wasted away, weak, weazened, weazeny, wilted, wind-dried, withered, wizen, wizen-faced, wraithlike, wrinkled
contraction, reduction, diminution, decrease of size, defalcation, decrement, lessening, shrinking, compaction, tabes, collapse, emaciation, attenuation, tabefaction, consumption, marasmus, atrophy, systole, neck, hourglass, condensation, compression, compactness, compendium, squeezing, strangulation, corrugation, astringency, astringents, sclerotics, contractility, compressibility, coarctation, inferiority in size, contracting, astringent, shrunk, contracted, strangulated, tabid,
wizened, stunted, waning, neap, compact, unexpanded &c (expand), contractile, compressible, smaller &c (small).