n. A wolf that was once, or is sometimes, a man. All
werewolves are of evil disposition, having assumed a bestial form to
gratify a beastial appetite, but some, transformed by sorcery, are as
humane and is consistent with an acquired taste for human flesh.
Some Bavarian peasants having caught a wolf one evening, tied it
to a post by the tail and went to bed. The next morning nothing was
there! Greatly perplexed, they consulted the local priest, who told
them that their captive was undoubtedly a werewolf and had resumed its
human for during the night. "The next time that you take a wolf," the
good man said, "see that you chain it by the leg, and in the morning
you will find a Lutheran."
Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf-man, ape-man, bogey, bogeyman, bugaboo, bugbear, demon, devil, devil incarnate, fee-faw-fum, fiend, fiend from hell, frightener, ghost, ghoul, harpy, hellhound, hellkite, hobgoblin, holy terror, horror, incubus, jaguar-man, lamia, monster, nightmare, ogre, ogress, phantom, revenant, scarebabe, scarecrow, scarer, specter, succubus, terror, vampire, werecat, werecrocodile, werefox, werehyena, werejaguar, werelion, weretiger