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Daftar Isi -- weakness
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Noun weakness has 5 senses


  •  The quality or state of being weak; want of strength or firmness; lack of vigor; want of resolution or of moral strength; feebleness.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which is a mark of lack of strength or resolution; a fault; a defect.  [1913 Webster]
    "Many take pleasure in spreading abroad the weakness of an exalted character."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Feebleness; debility; languor; imbecility; infirmness; infirmity; decrepitude; frailty; faintness.


weakness, n.
1 the state or condition of being weak.
2 a weak point; a defect.
3 the inability to resist a particular temptation.
4 (foll. by for) a self-indulgent liking (have a weakness for chocolate).



Amor, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, a thing for, abulia, accessibility, admiration, adoration, affection, affinity, agape, airiness, airy texture, amenableness, anemia, aptitude, aptness, ardency, ardor, area, ashiness, assailability, attachment, attenuation, bad habit, bag, bent, besetting sin, bias, bleariness, blemish, bloodlessness, blur, blurriness, bodily love, brain fag, brotherly love, bug, cadaverousness, carelessness, caritas, cast, catch, chance, charity, chicken-liveredness, chickenheartedness, chink, chloranemia, conatus, conduciveness, conjugal love, contingency, cowardice, cowardliness, crack, crush, cullibility, cup of tea, darkness, deadness, deathly hue, deathly pallor, debilitation, debility, deceivability, decrescendo, defect, defection, deficiency, defocus, delicacy, delight, desire, devotion, diaphanousness, diathesis, dilutedness, dilution, dimness, disposition, drawback, dullness, dupability, eagerness, easiness, easygoingness, enervation, enfeeblement, ethereality, eventuality, exiguity, exility, exsanguination, eyestrain, fadedness, failing, failure, faintheart, faintheartedness, faintness, fairness, faithful love, fancy, fatigue, fault, faute, fear, feeblemindedness, feebleness, feeling for, fervor, field, filminess, fineness, flabbiness, flame, flatness, flavorlessness, flaw, flimsiness, fogginess, foible, fondness, forcelessness, forte, frailty, free love, free-lovism, fuzziness, gauziness, gentleness, ghastliness, goneness, gossameriness, gracility, greenness, gullibility, gust, gusto, haggardness, half-visibility, haziness, heart, heart strain, heel of Achilles, henheartedness, hero worship, hoaxability, hole, human equation, human frailty, human weakness, humanity, humanness, hypochromia, hypochromic anemia, idolatry, idolism, idolization, imperfection, impotence, impotency, imprecision, impressionability, impuissance, inadequacy, inanity, inclination, indefiniteness, indifference, indistinctness, indistinguishability, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, inefficaciousness, inefficacy, infatuation, infirmity, influenceability, ingenuousness, insipidity, insipidness, insubstantiality, jadedness, jejuneness, jejunity, kink, laciness, lack of force, lack of influence, lack of magnetism, lack of personality, lack of power, languor, lasciviousness, lassitude, laxity, laxness, leaning, leniency, liability, liableness, libido, lifelessness, lightness, like, likelihood, likeliness, likes, liking, lily-liveredness, line, little problem, lividness, long suit, looseness, loosening, love, lovemaking, low profile, lowness, main interest, malleability, manner, married love, mental fatigue, mental strain, metier, mildness, milksopism, milksoppiness, milksoppishness, mistiness, moral flaw, mortality, movability, muddiness, naiveness, naivete, naivety, negligence, no say, obligation, obscurity, open-mindedness, openness, overindulgence, overpermissiveness, overstrain, overtiredness, paleness, pallidity, pallidness, pallor, paperiness, passion, pastiness, penchant, penetrability, permissiveness, persuadability, perviousness, pet subject, physical love, pigeonheartedness, pliability, popular regard, popularity, possibility, power vacuum, powerlessness, predilection, predisposition, pregnability, prejudice, prison pallor, probability, problem, proclivity, proneness, propensity, pursuit, rarity, readiness, receptiveness, regard, relaxation, relaxedness, relish, remissness, responsiveness, rift, sallowness, saplessness, savorlessness, seduceability, semivisibility, sensitivity to, sentiment, sex, sexual love, shadowiness, shine, shortcoming, sickliness, sickly hue, simpleness, simplicity, slackness, sleepiness, slenderness, slightness, slimness, sloppiness, snag, soft focus, soft spot, softheartedness, softness, something missing, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, spinelessness, spiritual love, staleness, stance fatigue, strain, strong point, style, subaudibility, subduedness, subtility, suggestibility, susceptibility, swayableness, taint, taste, tastelessness, technicality, tendency, tender feeling, tender passion, tenderheartedness, tenderness, tenuity, thinness, timidity, timidness, timorousness, tiredness, tropism, truelove, turn, twist, type, unauthoritativeness, uncertainty, unclearness, uninfluentiality, unmanfulness, unmanliness, unpersuasiveness, unplainness, unrestraint, unsavoriness, unsophistication, uxoriousness, vague appearance, vagueness, vapidity, vice, vincibility, vocation, vulnerability, vulnerable place, vulnerable point, wanness, warm heart, warmheartedness, warp, wateriness, way, weak link, weak point, weak side, weak will, weak-mindedness, weakheartedness, wearifulness, weariness, willingness, wishy-washiness, wispiness, worship, yearning, yellowness




N irresolution, infirmity of purpose, indecision, indetermination, undetermination, unsettlement, uncertainty, demur, suspense, hesitating, hesitation, hesitancy, vacillation, changeableness, fluctuation, alternation, caprice, fickleness, levity, legerete, pliancy, weakness, timidity, cowardice, half measures, waverer, ass between two bundles of hay, shuttlecock, butterfly, wimp, doughface, irresolute, infirm of purpose, double-minded, half-hearted, undecided, unresolved, undetermined, shilly-shally, fidgety, tremulous, hesitating, off one's balance, at a loss, vacillating, unsteady, unsteadfast, fickle, without ballast, capricious, volatile, frothy, light, lightsome, light-minded, giddy, fast and loose, weak, feeble-minded, frail, timid, wimpish, wimpy, cowardly, dough-faced, facile, pliant, unable to say 'no', easy-going revocable, reversible, irresolutely, irresolved, irresolvedly, in faltering accents, off and on, from pillar to post, seesaw, Int, how happy could I be with either!.


N imperfection, imperfectness, deficiency, inadequacy, peccancy, immaturity, fault, defect, weak point, screw loose, flaw, gap, twist, taint, attainder, bar sinister, hole in one's coat, blemish, weakness, half blood, shortcoming, drawback, seamy side, mediocrity, no great shakes, no great catch, not much to boast of, one-horse shay, imperfect, not perfect, deficient, defective, faulty, unsound, tainted, out of order, out of tune, cracked, leaky, sprung, warped, lame, injured, peccant, frail, inadequate, crude, incomplete, found wanting, below par, short-handed, below its full strength, under its full strength, below its full complement, indifferent, middling, ordinary, mediocre, average, so-so, coucicouci, milk and water, tolerable, fair, passable, pretty well, pretty good, rather good, moderately good, good, good enough, well enough, adequate, decent, not bad, not amiss, inobjectionable, unobjectionable, admissible, bearable, only better than nothing, secondary, inferior, second-rate, second-best, one-horse, almost, to a limited extent, rather, pretty, moderately, passing, only, considering, all things considered, enough, surgit amari aliquid.


N weakness, debility, atony, relaxation, languor, enervation, impotence, infirmity, effeminacy, feminality, fragility, flaccidity, inactivity, anaemia, bloodlessness, deficiency of blood, poverty of blood, declension of strength, loss of strength, failure of strength, delicacy, invalidation, decrepitude, asthenia, adynamy, cachexy, cachexia, sprain, strain, reed, thread, rope of sand, house of cards, softling, weakling, infant, youth, weak, feeble, debile, impotent, relaxed, unnerved sapless, strengthless, powerless, weakly, unstrung, flaccid, adynamic, asthenic, nervous, soft, effeminate, feminate, womanly, frail, fragile, shattery, flimsy, unsubstantial, insubstantial, gimcrack, gingerbread, rickety, creaky, creaking, cranky, craichy, drooping, tottering, broken, lame, withered, shattered, shaken, crazy, shaky, palsied, decrepit, languid, poor, infirm, faint, faintish, sickly, dull, slack, evanid, spent, short-winded, effete, weather-beaten, decayed, rotten, worn, seedy, languishing, wasted, washy, laid low, pulled down, the worse for wear, unstrengthened, unsupported, unaided, unassisted, aidless, defenseless, cantilevered (support), on its last legs, weak as a child, weak as a baby, weak as a chicken, weak as a cat, weak as a rat, weak as water, weak as water gruel, weak as gingerbread, weak as milk and water, colorless, non sum qualis eram.


N vice, evil-doing, evil courses, wrongdoing, wickedness, viciousness, iniquity, peccability, demerit, sin, Adam, old Adam, offending Adam, immorality, impropriety, indecorum, scandal, laxity, looseness of morals, enphagy, dophagy, exophagy, want of principle, want of ballast, obliquity, backsliding, infamy, demoralization, pravity, depravity, pollution, hardness of heart, brutality, corruption, knavery, profligacy, flagrancy, atrocity, cannibalism, lesbianism, Sadism, infirmity, weakness, weakness of the flesh, frailty, imperfection, error, weak side, foible, failing, failure, crying sin, besetting sin, defect, deficiency, cloven foot, lowest dregs of vice, sink of iniquity, Alsatian den, gusto picaresco, fault, crime, criminality, sinner, brothel, gambling house, joint, opium den, shooting gallery, crack house, vicious, sinful, sinning, wicked, iniquitous, immoral, unrighteous, wrong, criminal, naughty, incorrect, unduteous, undutiful, unprincipled, lawless, disorderly, contra bonos mores, indecorous, unseemly, improper, dissolute, profligate, scampish, unworthy, worthless, desertless, disgraceful, recreant, reprehensible, blameworthy, uncommendable, discreditable, disreputable, Sadistic, base, sinister, scurvy, foul, gross, vile, black, grave, facinorous, felonious, nefarious, shameful, scandalous, infamous, villainous, of a deep dye, heinous, flagrant, flagitious, atrocious, incarnate, accursed, Mephistophelian, satanic, diabolic, hellish, infernal, stygian, fiendlike, hell-born, demoniacal, devilish, fiendish, miscreated, misbegotten, demoralized, corrupt, depraved, evil-minded, evil-disposed, ill-conditioned, malevolent, heartless, graceless, shameless, virtueless, abandoned, lost to virtue, unconscionable, sunk in iniquity, lost in iniquity, steeped in iniquity, incorrigible, irreclaimable, obdurate, reprobate, past praying for, culpable, reprehensible, unjustifiable, indefensible, inexcusable, inexpiable, unpardonable, irremissible, weak, frail, lax, infirm, imperfect, indiscrete, demoralizing, degrading, wrong, sinfully, without excuse, Int, O tempora!, O mores!, alitur vitium vivitque tegendo, genus est mortis male vivere, mala mens malus animus, nemo repente fuit turpissimus, the trail of the serpent is over them all, to sanction vice and hunt decorum down.

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