Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
water star grass
water starwort
water stoma
water strider
water supply
water system
water tabby
water table
water tank
water tap
water telescope
Table of Contents
water system
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water system
12-tone system
abo blood group system
abo system
above water
accentual system
accounting system
adp system
air transportation system
alarm system
american water ouzel
american water shrew
american water spaniel
ammonia water
apollinaris water
aquarius the water bearer
ardois system
articulatory system
audio system
auditory system
autokinetic system
automatic data processing system
automixte system
autonomic nervous system
backup system
banded water snake
banking system
barley water
basic point defense missile system
bath water
bell system of control
bertillon system
bilge water
binary number system
binary numeration system
binary system
block system
blow out of the water
body of water
boiling water reactor
bottled water
brake system
branch water
break water
british imperial system
british system
buddy system
bulletin board system
cable system
carbonated water
cardiovascular system
cartesian coordinate system
cascade system
case system
caste system
central nervous system
cgs system
chautauqua system
chinese water chestnut
chlorine water
circulatory system
classification system
closed-loop system
coconut water
coding system
cold water
cologne water
color television system
colour television system
come hell or high water
common water snake
communication system
computer system
computing system
consonant system
consonantal system
continental system
contract system
control system
coolant system
cooling system
coordinate system
copernican system
coude system
credit system
crofton system
data system
database management system
decimal number system
decimal numeration system
decimal system
decimal system of classification
deep water
defence system
defense system
department of defense laboratory system
dewey decimal system
digestive system
disk operating system
distilled water
drainage system
drinking water
drive line system
duodecimal number system
duodecimal system
dynamical system
early warning system
economic system
egyptian water lily
electoral system
electrical system
emergency alert system
endocrine system
engine cooling system
english system
european water ouzel
european water shrew
exhaust system
explosive detection system
farm credit system
federal home loan bank system
federal reserve system
female reproductive system
feudal system
fiber-optic transmission system
fibre-optic transmission system
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color tv system
file system
filing system
fire control system
first water
fish out of water
fixed-point representation system
floating-point representation system
florida water rat
force-feed lubricating system
fragrant water lily
fresh water
fuel injection system
fuel system
gambling system
ganz system
gas system
gastrointestinal system
genital system
genitourinary system
giant water bug
global positioning system
greater water parsnip
ground water
guidance system
hard water
heating system
heavy water
hemlock water dropwort
hexadecimal number system
hexadecimal system
hierarchical classification system
high fidelity sound system
high water
high water mark
highway system
hold water
holy water
honor system
hot water
hot water plant
hub-and-spoke system
hydraulic system
hydraulic transmission system
hypermedia system
hypertext system
ice water
ignition system
immune system
inertial guidance system
inertial navigation system
information processing system
information system
integumentary system
interactive multimedia system
intercommunication system
international system
international system of units
irish water spaniel
javel water
javelle water
judicial system
jury system
language system
legal system
lens system
life-support system
limbic system
list system
lithia water
logical system
loudspeaker system
low water
lubricating system
lymphatic system
make water
making water
male reproductive system
marconi system
measuring system
mechanical system
medical literature analysis and retrieval system
mediterranean water shrew
mercantile system
merit system
metric system
microsoft disk operating system
milky way system
mineral water
missile defence system
missile defense system
monaural system
monetary system
mononuclear phagocyte system
morphophonemic system
multimedia system
muscle system
musculoskeletal system
napha water
narrow-leaved water plantain
naval tactical data system
navigational system
nervous system
nonlinear system
notational system
number representation system
number system
numeration system
object-oriented database management system
octal number system
octal numeration system
operating system
p.a. system
pa system
parasympathetic nervous system
pass water
passing water
patent system
peripheral nervous system
philosophical system
phone system
phonemic system
phonologic system
phonological system
plumbing system
point system
political system
portal system
positional representation system
pour cold water on
power system
pressure-feed lubricating system
pressurized water reactor
pricing system
promotion system
propulsion system
prosodic system
ptolemaic system
public address system
pure binary numeration system
purkinje's system
pyramidal motor system
quadraphonic system
quadriphonic system
quinine water
railway system
rating system
receiving system
recording system
red water
reference system
refrigeration system
relational database management system
reproductive system
respiratory system
reticular activating system
reticuloendothelial system
ribbon-leaved water plantain
root system
rose water
rough water
salt water
school system
scoring system
scrutin de liste system
scrutin uninomial system
scrutin uninominal voting system
security system
selective service system
selters water
seltzer water
sensory system
sewage system
sewer system
sewer water
sexadecimal number system
ship-towed long-range acoustic detection system
shipboard system
si system
single-member system
skeletal system
slack water
small computer system interface
social system
soda water
soft water
software system
solar system
solar thermal system
somatic sensory system
somatosensory system
sound system
sparkling water
speaker system
spoils system
spotted water hemlock
spring water
sprinkler system
steering system
stereo system
stereophonic system
still water
subway system
sugar water
support system
surface-to-air missile system
surveillance system
suspension system
sympathetic nervous system
system administrator
system call
system clock
system command
system components
system error
system of logic
system of macrophages
system of measurement
system of numeration
system of rules
system of weights
system of weights and measures
system program
take in water
take water
tandem system
tap water
target acquisition system
tax system
telecom system
telecommunication system
telephone system
television system
tense system
theological system
third-rail system
three-torque system of control
throw cold water on
time-delay measuring system
toilet water
tonal system
tone system
tonic water
torrens system
touch system
transmission system
transportation system
tread water
treading water
twelve-tone system
uninominal system
uninominal voting system
united states customary system
unix operating system
unix system
urinary system
urogenital system
vascular system
venous blood system
ventilating system
ventilation system
vestibular system
vichy water
visual system
voting system
vowel system
water adder
water agrimony
water aloe
water antelope
water arum
water avens
water back
water bailiff
water ballast
water barometer
water bath
water battery
water bear
water bearer
water bed
water beech
water beetle
water bellows
water birch
water bird
water biscuit
water bitternut
water blackbird
water blister
water boatman
water bottle
water boy
water brain
water brash
water breather
water bridge
water buck
water buffalo
water bug
water butt
water buttercup
water cabbage
water caltrop
water can
water canker
water cannon
water carpet
water carriage
water carrier
water cart
water cavy
water celery
water cell
water cement
water chestnut
water chestnut plant
water chevrotain
water chicken
water chickweed
water chinquapin
water chute
water clock
water closet
water clover
water cock
water color
water company
water conservation
water cooler
water course
water craft
water crake
water crane
water cress
water crow
water crowfoot
water cure
water deck
water deer
water deerlet
water development
water devil
water dock
water doctor
water dog
water down
water dragon
water drain
water drainage
water dressing
water dropwort
water eagle
water elder
water elephant
water elm
water engine
water faucet
water feather
water feather-foil
water fennel
water fern
water filter
water finder
water flag
water flannel
water flaxseed
water flea
water flounder
water fountain
water fox
water frame
water furrow
water gage
water gall
water gang
water gap
water gas
water gate
water gauge
water gavel
water germander
water gilding
water gillyflower
water glass
water god
water grass
water gruel
water gum
water gun
water hammer
water hare
water hazard
water heater
water hemlock
water hemp
water hen
water hickory
water hog
water hole
water horehound
water horsetail
water hyacinth
water ice
water inch
water jacket
water joint
water jug
water jump
water junket
water laverock
water leg
water lemon
water lettuce
water level
water lily
water lime
water line
water lizard
water lobelia
water locust
water main
water mat
water meadow
water measure
water measurer
water meter
water milfoil
water mill
water mint
water mite
water moccasin
water mold
water mole
water monitor
water monkey
water motor
water mouse
water murrain
water newt
water nymph
water oak
water oat
water of crystallisation
water of crystallization
water of hydration
water on the knee
water opossum
water orchid
water ordeal
water ousel
water ouzel
water ox
water parsnip
water parting
water partridge
water pennywort
water pepper
water pheasant
water piet
water pig
water pill
water pillar
water pimpernel
water pipe
water pistol
water pitcher
water plant
water plantain
water plate
water poa
water pocket
water poise
water pollution
water polo
water pore
water power
water pox
water privilege
water program
water project
water pump
water purslane
water qualm
water rabbit
water radish
water rail
water ram
water rat
water rate
water rattle
water rattler
water rice
water right
water rocket
water sail
water sapphire
water scooter
water scorpion
water screw
water shamrock
water shield
water shrew
water skater
water ski
water skin
water snail
water snake
water softener
water soldier
water souchy
water spaniel
water sparrow
water speedwell
water spider
water spinner
water spirit
water sport
water sprite
water star grass
water starwort
water stoma
water strider
water supply
water tabby
water table
water tank
water tap
water telescope
water tender
water thermometer
water thief
water thrush
water thyme
water tick
water tiger
water torch
water tower
water travel
water tree
water trefoil
water trumpet
water tu tuy'8are
water tu twist
water tube
water tupelo
water turkey
water under the bridge
water vapor
water vapour
water vascular system
water vine
water violet
water viper
water vole
water waggon
water wagon
water wagtail
water way
water wheel
water willow
water wing
water wings
water witch
water yam
weapon system
weapons system
well water
white water
wild water lemon
word processing system
writing system
yellow water flag
yellow water lily
Noun Phrase
wa=ter sys=tem
water system
has 2 senses
water system
(n = noun.object)
- a river and all of its tributaries;
is a kind of
has parts:
water system
(n = noun.artifact)
water supply
- a facility that provides a source of water;
"the town debated the purification of the water supply"; "first you have to cut off the water"
is a kind of
is a part of
has parts:
artificial lake
man-made lake
water main
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