all jaw, candid, chatty, circumlocutory, communicative, conversational, de longue haleine, de trop, diffuse, dispensable, effusive, endless, excess, expansive, expendable, expletive, extended, filled out, flip, flowery, fluent, frank, gabby, garrulous, gassy, glib, gossipy, grandiloquent, gratuitous, gregarious, gushy, in excess, lengthy, long, long-drawn-out, long-spun, long-winded, longiloquent, loquacious, magniloquent, multiloquent, multiloquious, needless, newsy, nonessential, overtalkative, padded, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, protracted, redundant, smooth, sociable, spare, spun-out, supererogatory, superfluous, talkative, talky, tautologic, tautologous, to spare, uncalled-for, unessential, unnecessary, unneeded, unrelenting, voluble, windy, wordy
diffuseness, amplification, dilating, verbosity, verbiage, cloud of words, copia verborum, flow of words, looseness, Polylogy, tautology, battology, perissology, pleonasm, exuberance, redundancy, thrice-told tale, prolixity, circumlocution, ambages, periphrase, periphrasis, roundabout phrases, episode, expletive, pennya-lining, richness, diffuse, profuse, wordy,
verbose, largiloquent, copious, exuberant, pleonastic, lengthy, longsome, long-winded, longspun, long drawn out, spun out, protracted, prolix, prosing, maundering, circumlocutory, periphrastic, ambagious, roundabout, digressive, discursive, excursive, loose, rambling episodic, flatulent, frothy, diffusely, at large, in extenso, about it and about it.