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Daftar Isi -- uncontrolled
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Adjective uncontrolled has 1 sense


uncontrolled, adj. not controlled; unrestrained, unchecked.



abandoned, adrift, afloat, alternating, amorphous, bibulous, boisterous, capricious, changeable, changeful, crapulent, crapulous, desultory, deviable, disobedient, dizzy, eccentric, erratic, excessive, extravagant, extreme, fast and loose, fickle, fitful, flickering, flighty, flitting, fluctuating, frantic, freakish, frenzied, giddy, gluttonous, go-go, headstrong, heady, immoderate, impetuous, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, incontinent, indecisive, indulgent, infirm, inordinate, insubordinate, intemperate, irregular, irrepressible, irresolute, irresponsible, lawless, lax, licentious, loose, mazy, mercurial, moody, mutinous, nonrestrictive, out of control, overindulging, permissive, prodigal, rambling, rampant, reinless, restless, riotous, roving, scatterbrained, self-indulgent, self-willed, shapeless, shifting, shifty, shuffling, spasmodic, spineless, swinish, too much, unaccountable, unbridled, uncertain, unchecked, uncoerced, uncompelled, unconstrained, uncurbed, undependable, undisciplined, unfixed, unforced, unfrugal, ungoverned, uninhibited, unlimited, unmastered, unmeasured, unmuzzled, unpredictable, unreined, unreliable, unrepressed, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestrictive, unruly, unsettled, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsubdued, unsuppressed, unthrifty, vacillating, vagrant, variable, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, whimsical, wild, wildcat, willful, wishy-washy




N freedom, liberty, independence, license, facility, scope, range, latitude, play, free play, full play, free scope, full scope, free stage and no favor, swing, full swing, elbowroom, margin, rope, wide berth, Liberty Hall, franchise, denization, free man, freed man, livery man, denizen, autonomy, self-government, liberalism, free trade, noninterference, Monroe Doctrine, immunity, exemption, emancipation, enfranchisement, affranchisement, free land, freehold, allodium, frankalmoigne, mortmain, bushwhacker, freelance, free thinker, free trader, independent, free, free as air, out of harness, independent, at large, loose, scot-free, left alone, left to oneself, in full swing, uncaught, unconstrained, unbuttoned, unconfined, unrestrained, unchecked, unprevented, unhindered, unobstructed, unbound, uncontrolled, untrammeled, unsubject, ungoverned, unenslaved, unenthralled, unchained, unshackled, unfettered, unreined, unbridled, uncurbed, unmuzzled, unrestricted, unlimited, unmitigated, unconditional, absolute, discretionary, unassailed, unforced, uncompelled, unbiassed, spontaneous, free and easy, at ease, at one's ease, degage, quite at home, wanton, rampant, irrepressible, unvanquished, exempt, freed, freeborn, autonomous, freehold, allodial, gratis, eleutherian, unclaimed, going a begging, freely, ad libitum, ubi libertas ibi patria, free white and twenty-one.


N excitability, impetuosity, vehemence, boisterousness, turbulence, impatience, intolerance, nonendurance, irritability, itching, wincing, disquiet, disquietude, restlessness, fidgets, fidgetiness, agitation, trepidation, perturbation, ruffle, hurry, fuss, flurry, fluster, flutter, pother, stew, ferment, whirl, buck fever, hurry-skurry, thrill, state of excitement, fever of excitement, transport, passion, excitement, flush, heat, fever, heat, fire, flame, fume, blood boiling, tumult, effervescence, ebullition, boiling over, whiff, gust, story, tempest, scene, breaking out, burst, fit, paroxysm, explosion, outbreak, outburst, agony, violence, fierceness, rage, fury, furor, furore, desperation, madness, distraction, raving, delirium, phrensy, frenzy, hysterics, intoxication, tearing passion, raging passion, anger, fascination, infatuation, fanaticism, Quixotism, Quixotry, tete montee, excitable, easily excited, in an excitable state, high-strung, irritable, impatient, intolerant, feverish, febrile, hysterical, delirious, mad, moody, maggoty- headed, unquiet, mercurial, electric, galvanic, hasty, hurried, restless, fidgety, fussy, chafing, startlish, mettlesome, high-mettled, skittish, vehement, demonstrative, violent, wild, furious, fierce, fiery, hot-headed, madcap, overzealous, enthusiastic, impassioned, fanatical, rabid, rampant, clamorous, uproarious, turbulent, tempestuous, tumultuary, boisterous, impulsive, impetuous, passionate, uncontrolled, uncontrollable, ungovernable, irrepressible, stanchless, inextinguishable, burning, simmering, volcanic, ready to burst forth, volatile, excited, exciting, Int, pish!, pshaw!, noli me tangere, filled with fury, rapt, inspir'd, maggiore fretta minore atto.

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