affiliate, affiliated, aground, alike, allied, anchored, assembled, associate, associated, at par, au pair, banded together, beholden, beholden to, bound, bounden, bounden to, bracketed, caught, chained, collateral, collected, commensurate, committed, conjoined, conjugate, connected, copulate, correlated, coupled, drawn, duty-bound, equal, equalized, even, even stephen, fast, fastened, fettered, fifty-fifty, fixed, gathered, grounded, half-and-half, hampered, hand-in-glove, hand-in-hand, handcuffed, held, high and dry, impacted, implicated, in bonds, in chains, in duty bound, in irons, incorporated, indebted to, inextricable, integrated, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, intimate, involved, ironbound, jammed, joined, knotted, leagued, level, like, linked, manacled, matched, mated, merged, moored, nip and tuck, obligate, obligated, obliged, obliged to, of that ilk, of that kind, on a footing, on a level, on a par, on even ground, packed, paired, par, parallel, pledged, proportionate, quits, related, saddled, shackled, spliced, square, stalemated, stranded, strapped, stuck, stuck fast, tethered,
tied down,
tied up, trammeled, transfixed, twinned, under obligation, undivided, united, unseparated, wed, wedded, wedged, yoked