think twice
back down, balance, be careful, be cautious, debate, deliberate, demur, dither, falter, fear, go on tiptoe, hang back, hang in doubt, hem and haw, hesitate, hover, hum and haw, jib, make haste slowly, pause, ponder, pull back, pussyfoot, retreat, scruple, shilly-shally, shy, stick at, stickle, stop to consider, straddle the fence, strain at, take it easy,
think twice about, tiptoe, vacillate, walk on eggshells, withdraw, yield
think twice
be cautious, take care, take heed, take good care, have a care mind, what one is about, be on one's guard, make assurance doubly sure, bespeak,
think twice, look before one leaps, count the cost, look to the main chance, cut one's coat according to one's cloth, feel one's ground, feel one's way, see how the land lies, wait to see how the cat jumps, bridle one's tongue, reculer pour mieux sauter, let well alone, let well enough alone, let sleeping dogs lie, ne pas reveiller le chat qui dort, don't wake a sleeping cat, keep out of harm's way, keep out of troubled waters, keep at a respectful distance, stand aloof, keep on the safe side, be on the safe side, husband one's resources, caution.