armory, badge, badge of office, badges, baton, blazonry, brassard, button, cap and gown, chain, chain of office, check, checker, checkerboard, checkerwork, chessboard, class ring, cockade, collar, colors in patches, crazy-work, cross, decoration, dress, eagle, emblems, ensigns, fasces, figurehead, fleur-de-lis, hammer and sickle, harlequin, heraldry, insignia, lapel pin, livery, mace, mantle, markings, marquetry, medal, mortarboard, mosaic, old school tie, parquet, parquetry, patchwork, pin, plaid, regalia, ring, rose, school ring, shamrock, sigillography, skull and crossbones, sphragistics, staff, swastika, tessellation, tesserae, thistle, tie, uniform, variegated pattern, verge, wand
variegation, colors, dichroism, trichroism, iridescence, play of colors, polychrome, maculation, spottiness, striae, spectrum, rainbow, iris, tulip, peacock, chameleon, butterfly, tortoise shell, mackerel, mackerel sky, zebra, leopard, cheetah, nacre, ocelot, ophite, mother-of-pearl, opal, marble, check, plaid,
tartan, patchwork, marquetry-, parquetry, mosaic, tesserae, strigae, chessboard, checkers, chequers, harlequin, Joseph's coat, tricolor, variegated, many-colored, many-hued, divers-colored, party- colored, dichromatic, polychromatic, bicolor, tricolor, versicolor, of all the colors of the rainbow, of all manner of colors, kaleidoscopic, iridescent, opaline, opalescent, prismatic, nacreous, pearly, shot, gorge de pigeon, chatoyant, irisated, pavonine, pied, piebald, motley, mottled, marbled, pepper and salt, paned, dappled, clouded, cymophanous, mosaic, tesselated, plaid, tortoise shell, spotted, spotty, punctated, powdered, speckled, freckled, flea-bitten, studded, flecked, fleckered, striated, barred, veined, brinded, brindled, tabby, watered, grizzled, listed, embroidered, daedal, naevose, stipiform, strigose, striolate, (iii) PERCEPTIONS OF LIGHT.