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talk big



talk big

Barnumize, aggrandize, amplify, ballyhoo, blow, blow off, blowhard, bombast, build up, burlesque, caricature, carry too far, draw the longbow, exaggerate, go to extremes, hyperbolize, inflate, lay it on, magnify, make much of, overcharge, overdo, overdraw, overestimate, overpraise, overreach, overreact, oversell, overspeak, overstate, overstress, pile it on, pontificate, puff, shoot the shit, stretch, stretch the truth, talk highfalutin, talk in superlatives, tout, travesty, vapor


talk big


VB boast, make a boast of, brag, vaunt, Puff, show off, flourish, crake, crack, trumpet, strut, swagger, vapor, blague, blow, four-flush, bluff, exult, crow, crow over, neigh, chuckle, triumph, throw up one's cap, talk big, se faire valoir, faire claquer son fouet, take merit to oneself, make a merit of, sing Io triumphe, holloa before one is out of the wood.


VB be insolent, bluster, vapor, swagger, swell, give oneself airs, snap one's fingers, kick up a dust, swear, rap out oaths, roister, arrogate, assume, presume, make bold, make free, take a liberty, give an inch and take an ell, domineer, bully, dictate, hector, lord it over, traiter de haut en bas, regarder de haut en bas, exact, snub, huff, beard, fly in the face of, put to the blush, bear down, beat down, browbeat, intimidate, trample down, tread down, trample under foot, dragoon, ride roughshod over, out face, outlook, outstare, outbrazen, outbrave, stare out of countenance, brazen out, lay down the law, teach one's grandmother to suck eggs, assume a lofty bearing, talk big, look big, put on big looks, act the grand seigneur, mount the high horse, ride the high horse, toss the head, carry, with a high hand, tempt Providence, want snuffing.


VB threat, threaten, menace, snarl, growl, gnarl, mutter, bark, bully, defy, intimidate, keep in terrorem, hold up in terrorem, hold out in terrorem, shake the fist at, double the fist at, clinch the fist at, thunder, talk big, fulminate, use big words, bluster, look daggers, stare daggers.

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