Tentang Kami
Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
take the edge off
take the field
take the fifth
take the fifth amendment
take the floor
take the heat
take the road
take the stage
take the stand
take the veil
take time
Daftar Isi
take the heat
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<a href="http://kamus.sabda.org/dictionary/take+the+heat">take the heat</a>
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take the heat
blood heat
dead heat
double take
gas heat
give and take
give or take
heat barrier
heat content
heat dissipation
heat energy
heat engine
heat exchanger
heat exhaustion
heat flash
heat hyperpyrexia
heat lamp
heat lightning
heat of condensation
heat of dissociation
heat of formation
heat of fusion
heat of solidification
heat of solution
heat of sublimation
heat of transformation
heat of vaporisation
heat of vaporization
heat prostration
heat pump
heat rash
heat ray
heat shield
heat sink
heat unit
heat up
heat wave
kinetic theory of heat
latent heat
prickly heat
red heat
specific heat
steam heat
take a bow
take a breath
take a breather
take a chance
take a crack at
take a crap
take a dare
take a dive
take a firm stand
take a hit
take a hop
take a joke
take a leak
take a look
take a powder
take a shit
take aback
take account
take advantage
take advantage of
take after
take aim
take apart
take arms
take aside
take away
take back
take by storm
take care
take care of
take chances
take charge
take control
take cover
take down
take effect
take exception
take fire
take five
take flight
take for
take for granted
take form
take from
take heart
take heed
take hold
take hold of
take home
take home pay
take in
take in charge
take in vain
take in water
take into account
take issue
take issue with
take it
take it easy
take it on the chin
take kindly to
take leave
take liberties
take lying down
take note
take notice
take off
take office
take on
take one's lumps
take orders
take out
take over
take pains
take part
take place
take pride
take root
take shape
take sides
take stage
take steps
take stock
take ten
take the air
take the bull by the horns
take the cake
take the count
take the edge off
take the field
take the fifth
take the fifth amendment
take the floor
take the road
take the stage
take the stand
take the veil
take time
take time by the forelock
take time off
take to
take to be
take to heart
take to task
take to the woods
take turns
take up
take up arms
take up with
take water
take with a grain of salt
total heat
turn up the heat
white heat
take the heat
To be assigned or to accept the blame for some misdeed;
as, Mary broke the vase, but she acted innocent and young Johnny had to
take the heat
. [
To withstand high temperature;
as, the new radios can
take the heat
of a black car parked in the sun in Death Valley
. [
To endure stressful conditions, expecially without signs of difficulty or complaint;
as, if you can't
take the heat
, stay out of the kitchen
, [
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