Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
sweet nothings
sweet oil
sweet on
sweet orange
sweet orange tree
sweet pea
sweet pepper
sweet pepper plant
sweet pepperbush
sweet pickle
sweet potato
Table of Contents
sweet pea
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sweet pea
american sweet chestnut
american sweet gum
angola pea
asparagus pea
australian pea
austrian winter pea
beach pea
bitter pea
black pea
black-eyed pea
blue pea
broad-leaved everlasting pea
bush pea
butterfly pea
cajan pea
caley pea
calnada pea
catjang pea
chaparral pea
chinese pea tree
common flat pea
common pea
coral pea
darling pea
desert pea
earth-nut pea
earthnut pea
edible-pod pea
edible-podded pea
egyptian pea
everlasting pea
field pea
flame pea
flat pea
garden pea
garden pea plant
glory pea
golden pea
goober pea
grass pea
green pea
green pea soup
hairy darling pea
heart pea
heath pea
henry sweet
hoary pea
indian pea
marrowfat pea
marsh pea
meadow pea
narrow-leaved everlasting pea
partridge pea
pea bean
pea brained
pea coat
pea crab
pea family
pea flour
pea green
pea jacket
pea plant
pea pod
pea shooter
pea soup
pea tree
pea weevil
perennial pea
pigeon pea
poison pea
purple pea
rough pea
sea pea
sensitive pea
shamrock pea
short and sweet
siberian pea tree
singletary pea
smooth darling pea
snap pea
snow pea
sturt pea
sturt's desert pea
sugar pea
sugar snap pea
summer sweet
sweet acacia
sweet alison
sweet almond
sweet almond oil
sweet alyssum
sweet balm
sweet basil
sweet bay
sweet bells
sweet birch
sweet buckeye
sweet calabash
sweet calamus
sweet cassava
sweet cherry
sweet chestnut
sweet cicely
sweet cider
sweet clover
sweet coltsfoot
sweet corn
sweet corn plant
sweet cup
sweet elder
sweet false chamomile
sweet fanny adams
sweet fern
sweet flag
sweet four o'clock
sweet gale
sweet goldenrod
sweet granadilla
sweet grass
sweet gum
sweet gum tree
sweet lemon
sweet lime
sweet marjoram
sweet melon
sweet melon vine
sweet nothings
sweet oil
sweet on
sweet orange
sweet orange tree
sweet pepper
sweet pepper plant
sweet pepperbush
sweet pickle
sweet potato
sweet potato vine
sweet reseda
sweet rocket
sweet roll
sweet sand verbena
sweet scabious
sweet shop
sweet shrub
sweet smelling
sweet sorghum
sweet sultan
sweet talk
sweet talker
sweet tooth
sweet unicorn plant
sweet vermouth
sweet vetch
sweet violet
sweet wattle
sweet white violet
sweet william
sweet woodruff
sweet wormwood
tangier pea
western australia coral pea
white sweet clover
wild pea
wild sweet pea
wild sweet potato vine
winged pea
winter sweet
yellow pea
yellow sweet clover
Noun Phrase
sweet pea
has 1 sense
sweet pea
(n = noun.plant)
lathyrus odoratus
- climbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers;
is a member of
genus lathyrus
is a kind of
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