Bircher, Bourbon, Tory, adamant, adamantine, at a standstill, backward, bitter-ender, conservatist, conservative, contemplative, die-hard, diehard, do-nothing, dormant, extreme right-winger, firm, fogyish, frozen, fundamentalist, hard hat, idle, immobile, immotile, immotive, immovable, imperialist, inactive, inert, inflexible, irremovable, laissez-aller, laissez-faire, meditative, monarchist, motionless, neuter, neutral, nonprogressive, old liner, old-fashioned, old-fogyish, old-line, opposed to change, paralytic, paralyzed, passive, pat, preservative, procrastinating, quiescent, quietist, quietistic, radical right, reactionarist, reactionary, reactionist, right, right of center, right wing, right-wing, right-winger, rightist, rigid, royalist, social Darwinist, stagnant, stagnating, standpatter, static, stationary, tory, ultraconservative, unmovable, unmoving, unprogressive, unyielding, vegetable, vegetative