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Daftar Isi -- specification
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Noun specification has 4 senses


specificationn. [Cf. F. spécification, LL. specificatio.].
  •  The act of specifying or determining by a mark or limit; notation of limits.  [1913 Webster]
    "This specification or limitation of the question hinders the disputers from wandering away from the precise point of inquiry."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The designation of particulars; particular mention; as, the specification of a charge against an officer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A written statement containing a minute description or enumeration of particulars, as of charges against a public officer, the terms of a contract, the description of an invention, as in a patent; also, a single article, item, or particular, an allegation of a specific act, as in a charge of official misconduct.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A detailed listing or description of the required properties of some object proposed to be built or bought; -- usually used in the plural; as, the building specifications require that it withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8; the program specifications require an option to change the menus.  [PJC]


specification, n.
1 the act or an instance of specifying; the state of being specified.
2 (esp. in pl.) a detailed description of the construction, workmanship, materials, etc., of work done or to be done, prepared by an architect, engineer, etc.
3 a description by an applicant for a patent of the construction and use of his invention.
4 Law the conversion of materials into a new product not held to be the property of the owner of the materials.

med.L specificatio (as SPECIFY)



allocation, allowance, analysis, anatomization, assignment, atomization, attribution, boundary condition, bounding, cameo, catalog, cataloging, catch, cession, character, character sketch, characterization, circling-in, circumscribing, circumscription, circumstantiation, clause, concession, condition, consideration, definition, delimitation, delineation, demarcation, denomination, denotation, depiction, describing, description, designation, detail, details, determination, differentiation, disclosure, donnee, encincture, enumeration, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, evocation, exception, exemption, expression, extenuating circumstances, fine print, fingering, fixing, given, grain of salt, grant, graphic account, grounds, hedge, hedging, hint, identification, identifying, image, imagery, impression, inclusion-exclusion, indication, indicativeness, inventory, itemization, itemizing, joker, kicker, limitation, limiting condition, limning, list, listing, manifestation, meaning, mental reservation, modification, naming, obligation, parameter, particularization, photograph, picking out, picture, pinning down, pointing, pointing out, pointing to, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, precision, prerequisite, profile, provision, provisions, proviso, qualification, rendering, rendition, representation, requirement, requisite, reservation, restriction, salvo, saving clause, selection, show, showing, signification, sine qua non, sketch, small print, special case, special treatment, specialness, specifying, stipulation, string, suggestion, symptomaticness, terms, ultimatum, vignette, vivid description, waiver, whereas, word painting




N description, account, statement, report, expose, specification, particulars, state of facts, summary of facts, brief, return, catalogue raisonne, guidebook, delineation, sketch, monograph, minute account, detailed particular account, circumstantial account, graphic account, narration, recital, rehearsal, relation, historiography, chronography, historic Muse, Clio, history, biography, autobiography, necrology, obituary, narrative, history, memoir, memorials, annals, saga, tradition, legend, story, tale, historiette, personal narrative, journal, life, adventures, fortunes, experiences, confessions, anecdote, ana, trait, work of fiction, novel, romance, Minerva press, fairy tale, nursery tale, fable, parable, apologue, dime novel, penny dreadful, shilling shocker relator, raconteur, historian, biographer, fabulist, novelist, descriptive, graphic, narrative, epic, suggestive, well-drawn, historic, traditional, traditionary, legendary, anecdotic, storied, described, furor scribendi.


N class, division, category, categorema, head, order, section, department, subdepartment, province, domain, kind, sort, genus, species, variety, family, order, kingdom, race, tribe, caste, sept, clan, breed, type, subtype, kit, sect, set, subset, assortment, feather, kidney, suit, range, gender, sex, kin, manner, description, denomination, designation, rubric, character, stamp predicament, indication, particularization, selection, specification, similarity.


N qualification, limitation, modification, coloring, allowance, grains of allowance, consideration, extenuating circumstances, mitigation, condition, proviso, prerequisite, contingency, stipulation, provision, specification, sine qua non, catch, string, strings attached, exemption, exception, escape clause, salvo, saving clause, discount, restriction, fine print, qualifying, qualified, conditioned, restricted, hedged, conditional, exceptional, hypothetical, contingent, provided, provided that, provided always, if, unless, but, yet, according as, conditionally, admitting, supposing, on the supposition of, with the understanding, even, although, though, for all that, after all, at all events, approximately, in a limited degree (smallness), somewhat, sort of, something like that, to a certain extent, to a degree, in a sense, so to speak, with grains of allowance, cum grano salis, with a grain of salt, exceptis excipiendis, wind and weather permitting, if possible, subject to, conditioned upon, with this proviso, if the good lord is willing and the creeks don't r, catch-, Degrees of Evidence.


N information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge, publicity, data, communication, intimation, notice, notification, enunciation, annunciation, announcement, communiqu_e, representation, round robin, presentment, case, estimate, specification, report, advice, monition, news, return, account, statement, mention, acquainting, instruction, outpouring, intercommunication, communicativeness, informant, authority, teller, intelligencer, reporter, exponent, mouthpiece, informer, eavesdropper, delator, detective, sleuth, mouchard, spy, newsmonger, messenger, amicus curiae, valet de place, cicerone, pilot, guide, guidebook, handbook, vade mecum, manual, map, plan, chart, gazetteer, itinerary, hint, suggestion, innuendo, inkling, whisper, passing word, word in the ear, subaudition, cue, byplay, gesture, gentle hint, broad hint, verbum sapienti, a word to the wise, insinuation, information theory, bit, byte, word, doubleword, quad word, paragraph, segment, magnetic media, paper medium, optical media, random access memory, RAM, read-only memory, ROM, write once read mostly memory, WORM, informed, communique, reported, published, expressive, explicit plain spoken, (artless), nuncupative, nuncupatory, declaratory, expository, enunciative, communicative, communicatory, from information received, a little bird told me, I heard it through the grapevine.

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