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so called



so called

affected, alleged, apocryphal, artificial, assumed, avowed, bastard, bogus, brummagem, byname, claimed, cognominal, colorable, colored, counterfeit, counterfeited, diminutive, distorted, dressed up, dummy, embellished, embroidered, epithetic, ersatz, factitious, fake, faked, falsified, feigned, fictitious, fictive, formal, garbled, honorific, hypocoristic, hypocritical, illegitimate, imitation, in name only, junky, make-believe, man-made, mock, nominal, nominative, ostensible, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, pretended, pretexted, professed, pseudo, purported, put-on, quasi, queer, self-called, self-christened, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simulated, soi-disant, specious, spurious, supposititious, synthetic, tin, tinsel, titivated, titular, twisted, unauthentic, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, warped, would-be
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