Lord Fauntleroy, Milquetoast, Percy, afraid, aunt, auntie, baby, big baby, blood brother, brethren, brother, bub, bubba, bud, buddy, chicken, chicken liver, chickenhearted, country cousin, cousin, cousin once removed, cousin twice removed, coward, cowardly, cowed, cream puff, crybaby, daughter, daunted, dismayed, doormat, dull tool, effeminate, epicene, fainthearted, father, fearful, first cousin, foster brother, fraid-cat, fraidy-cat, frater, funk, funker, funking, funky, goody-goody, grandnephew, grandniece, granduncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, gutless wonder, half brother, henhearted, intimidated, invertebrate, jellyfish, kid brother, lightweight, lily, lily liver, lily-livered, meek soul, milk-livered, milksop, milksoppish, milksoppy, mollycoddle, mother, mouse, mousy, muliebrous, namby-pamby, nance, nancy, nebbish, nephew, niece, nonentity, nuncle, nunks, nunky, old woman, old-womanish, overtimid, overtimorous, panic-prone, panicky, pansy, pantywaist, pigeonhearted, prissy, pushover, rabbity, sad sack, scaredy-cat, second cousin, sis, sissified, sissyish, sister, sister-german, sistern, soft, softling, softy, son, sop, stepbrother, stepsister, timid, timorous, unc, uncle, uncs, unmanly, unmanned, uterine brother, weak, weak sister, weak-kneed, weakhearted, weakling, wet, white feather, white liver, white-livered, womanish, yellow
woman, she, her, female, petticoat, feminality, muliebrity, womanhood, womankind, the sex, the fair, fair sex, softer sex, weaker vessel, dame, madam, madame, mistress, Mrs, lady, donna belle, matron, dowager, goody, gammer, Frau, frow, Vrouw, rani, good woman, good wife, squaw, wife, matronage, matronhood, bachelor girl, new woman, feminist, suffragette, suffragist, nymph, wench, grisette, girl,
sissy, betty, cot betty, cotquean, henhussy, mollycoddle, muff, old woman, hen, bitch, sow, doe, roe, mare, she goat, Nanny goat, tabita, ewe, cow, lioness, tigress, vixen, gynecaeum, estrogen, oestrogen, consanguinity &c, paternity, lesbian, dyke, female, she-, feminine, womanly, ladylike, matronly, maidenly, wifely, womanish, effeminate, unmanly, gynecic, gynaecic, Pron, she, her, hers, ', a perfect woman nobly planned, a lovely lady garmented in white, das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan, earth's noblest thing, a woman perfected, es de vidrio la mujer, she moves a goddess and she looks a queen, the beauty of a lovely woman is like music, varium et mutabile semper femina, woman is the lesser man.