absonant, acute, argute, atonal, cacophonous, caterwaul, cracked, creak, creaky, diaphonic, disconsonant, discordant, disharmonic, disharmonious, dissonant, ear-piercing, ear-splitting, flat, grating, harsh, high, high-pitched, howl, howling, immelodious, inharmonic, inharmonious, keen, keening, musicless, nonmelodious, off, off-key, off-tone, out of pitch, out of tone, out of tune, penetrating, piercing, pipe, piping, raucous, reedy, screak, screaky, scream, screech, screeching, screechy, sharp, shriek, shrieking, shrieky, skirl, skreigh, sour, squawk, squeak, squeaking, squeaky, squeal, strident, thin, treble, tuneless, ululant, ululation, unharmonious, unmelodious, unmusical, untunable, untuned, untuneful, wail, wailing, whine, whining, whistle, whistling, yammer
stridor, creak, creaking, discord, stridor, roughness, sharpness cacophony, cacoepy, acute note, high note, soprano, treble, tenor, alto, falsetto, penny trumpet, voce di testa, creaking, stridulous, harsh, coarse, hoarse, horrisonous, rough, gruff, grum, sepulchral, hollow, sharp, high, acute,
shrill, trumpet-toned, piercing, ear-piercing, high-pitched, high-toned, cracked, discordant, cacophonous.
cry, roar, shout, bawl, brawl, halloo, halloa, hoop, whoop, yell, bellow, howl, scream, screech, screak, shriek,
shrill, squeak, squeal, squall, whine, pule, pipe, yaup, cheer, hoot, grumble, moan, groan, snore, snort, grunt, vociferate, raise up the voice, lift up the voice, call out, sing out, cry out, exclaim, rend the air, thunder at the top of one's voice, shout at the top of one's voice, shout at the pitch of one's breath, thunder at the pitch of one's breath, s'_egosiller, strain the throat, strain the voice, strain the lungs, give a cry.