armory, badge, badge of office, badges, baton, blazonry, brassard, button, cap and gown, chain, chain of office, class ring, clover, cockade, collar, cross, decoration, deuce-ace, dress, eagle, emblems, ensigns, fasces, figurehead, fleur-de-lis, hammer and sickle, heraldry, insignia, lapel pin, leash, livery, mace, mantle, markings, medal, mortarboard, old school tie, pin, regalia, ring, rose, school ring, set of three, sigillography, skull and crossbones, sphragistics, staff, swastika, tartan, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, thistle, three, threesome, tie, tierce, trefoil, trey, triad, trialogue, triangle, tricorn, trident, triennium, trihedron, trilogy, trimester, trine, trinity, trinomial, trio, triphthong, triple crown, triple threat, triplet, triplopy, tripod, triptych, trireme, triseme, triskelion, trisul, triumvirate, triunity, trivet, troika, uniform, verge, wand
triality, trinity, triunity, three, triad, triplet, trey, trio, ternion, leash,
shamrock, tierce, spike-team, trefoil, triangle, trident, triennium, trigon, trinomial, trionym, triplopia, tripod, trireme, triseme, triskele, triskelion, trisula, third power, cube, cube root, three, triform, trinal, trinomial, tertiary, ternary, triune, triarch, triadie, triple, tri-, tris-, tria juncta in uno.