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set against


Verb (transitive)
set a=gainst


set against

aggravate, alienate, antagonize, come between, disaffect, disunite, divide, embitter, envenom, estrange, exacerbate, fan the flame, heat up, infuriate, irritate, light the fuse, madden, make trouble, pit against, provoke, separate, set at odds, set at variance, set on, sic on, sow dissension, stir up trouble


set against


VB oppose, counteract, run counter to, withstand, control, hinder, antagonize, oppugn, fly in the face of, go dead against, kick against, fall afoul of, run afoul of, set against, pit against, face, confront, cope with, make a stand, make a dead set against, set oneself against, set one's face against, protest against, vote against, raise one's voice against, disfavor, turn one's back upon, set at naught, slap in the face, slam the door in one's face, be at cross purposes, play at cross purposes, counterwork, countermine, thwart, overthwart, work against, undermine, stem, breast, encounter, stem the tide, breast the tide, stem the current, stem the flood, buffet the waves, beat up against, make head against, grapple with, kick against the pricks, contend, do battle with, do battle against, contradict, contravene, belie, go against, run against, beat against, militate against, come in conflict with, emulate, rival, spoil one's trade.


VB be discordant, disagree, come amiss, clash, jar, jostle, pull different ways, conflict, have no measures with, misunderstand one another, live like cat and dog, differ, dissent, have a bone to pick, have a crow to pluck with, fall out, quarrel, dispute, litigate, controvert, squabble, wrangle, jangle, brangle, bicker, nag, spar, have words, with, fall foul of, split, break with, break squares with, part company with, declare war, try conclusions, join issue, put in issue, pick a quarrel, fasten a quarrel on, sow dissension, stir up dissension, embroil, entangle, disunite, widen the breach, set at odds, set together by the ears, set against, pit against, get into hot water, fish in troubled waters, brawl, kick up a row, kick up a dust, turn the house out of window, be discordant, jar.


VB hate, detest, abominate, abhor, loathe, recoil at, shudder at, shrink from, view with horror, hold in abomination, revolt against, execrate, scowl, disrelish, owe a grudge, bear spleen, bear a grudge, bear malice, conceive an aversion to, take a dislike to, excite hatred, provoke hatred, be hateful, stink in the nostrils, estrange, alienate, repel, set against, sow dissension, set by the ears, envenom, incense, irritate, rile, horrify, roil.

N hate, hatred, vials of hate, disaffection, disfavor, alienation, estrangement, coolness, enmity, animosity, umbrage, pique, grudge, dudgeon, spleen bitterness, bitterness of feeling, ill blood, bad blood, acrimony, malice, implacability, repugnance, misanthropy, demonophobia, gynephobia, negrophobia, odium, unpopularity, detestation, antipathy, object of hatred, object of execration, abomination, aversion, b=ete noire, enemy, bitter pill, source of annoyance, hating, abhorrent, averse from, set against, bitter, implacable, unloved, unbeloved, unlamented, undeplored, unmourned, uncared for, unendeared, un-valued, disliked, crossed in love, forsaken, rejected, lovelorn, jilted, obnoxious, hateful, odious, abominable, repulsive, offensive, shocking, disgusting, reprehensible, invidious, spiteful, malicious, insulting, irritating, provoking, at daggers drawn, not on speaking terms, at loggerheads, no love lost between.


N resentment, displeasure, animosity, anger, wrath, indignation, exasperation, bitter resentment, wrathful indignation, pique, umbrage, huff, miff, soreness, dudgeon, acerbity, virulence, bitterness, acrimony, asperity, spleen, gall, heart-burning, heart-swelling, rankling, ill humor, bad humor, ill temper, bad temper, irascibility, ill blood, revenge, excitement, irritation, warmth, bile, choler, ire, fume, pucker, dander, ferment, ebullition, towering passion, acharnement, angry mood, taking, pet, tiff, passion, fit, tantrums, burst, explosion, paroxysm, storm, rage, fury, desperation, violence, fire and fury, vials of wrath, gnashing of teeth, hot blood, high words, scowl, sulks, affront, provocation, offense, indignity, grudge, crow to pluck, bone to pick, sore subject, casus belli, ill turn, outrage, Furies, Eumenides, buffet, slap in the face, box on the ear, rap on the knuckles, angry, wrath, irate, ireful, wrathful, cross, Achillean, sulky, bitter, virulent, acrimonious &c (discourteous), violent, warm, burning, boiling, boiling over, fuming, raging, foaming, foaming at the mouth, convulsed with rage, offended, waxy, acharne, wrought, worked up, indignant, hurt, sore, set against, fierce, wild, rageful, furious, mad with rage, fiery, infuriate, rabid, savage, relentless, flushed with anger, flushed with rage, in a huff, in a stew, in a fume, in a pucker, in a passion, in a rage, in a fury, in a taking, in a way, on one's high ropes, up in arms, in high dudgeon, angrily, in the height of passion, in the heat of passion, in the heat of the moment, Int, tantaene animis coelestibus irae!, marry come up!, zounds!, 'sdeath!, one's blood being up, one's back being up, one's monkey being up, fervens difficili bile jecur, the gorge rising, eyes flashing fire, the blood rising, the blood boiling, haeret lateri lethalis arundo, beware the fury of a patient man, furor arma ministrat, ira furor brevis est, quem Jupiter vult perdere dementat prius, What, drunk with choler?.

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