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Adjective sententious has 2 senses


sententiousa. [L. sentenciosus: cf. F. sentencieux.].
  •  Abounding with sentences, axioms, and maxims; full of meaning; terse and energetic in expression; pithy; as, a sententious style or discourse; sententious truth.  [1913 Webster]
    "How he apes his sire,
    Ambitiously sententious!
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Comprising or representing sentences; sentential.  Grew.  [1913 Webster]


sententious, adj.
1 (of a person) fond of pompous moralizing.
2 (of a style) affectedly formal.
3 aphoristic, pithy, given to the use of maxims, affecting a concise impressive style.

sententiously adv. sententiousness n.
L sententiosus (as SENTENCE)



Gongoresque, Johnsonian, Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, admonitory, advisory, affected, allegorical, aphoristic, aposiopestic, associational, axiomatic, bedizened, big-sounding, brief, brusque, cautionary, clipped, close, compact, compendious, compressed, concise, condensed, connotational, connotative, consultative, consultatory, contracted, convoluted, crisp, curt, cut, declamatory, definable, denotational, denotative, didactic, directive, docked, elevated, elliptic, eloquent, epigrammatic, euphuistic, exhortative, exhortatory, expostulative, expostulatory, expressive, extended, extensional, facund, figurative, flamboyant, flaming, flashy, flaunting, formulaic, formulistic, full of meaning, full of point, full of substance, fulsome, garish, gaudy, gnomic, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, high-flowing, high-flown, high-flying, high-sounding, highfalutin, hortative, hortatory, indicative, inkhorn, instructive, intelligible, intensional, interpretable, labyrinthine, laconic, lexiphanic, lofty, lurid, magniloquent, meaning, meaningful, meaty, meretricious, metaphorical, monitorial, monitory, moralistic, orotund, ostentatious, overdone, overelaborate, overinvolved, overwrought, pedantic, piquant, pithy, platitudinous, pointed, pompous, preachy, pregnant, pretentious, proverbial, pruned, pungent, readable, recommendatory, referential, remonstrant, remonstrative, remonstratory, reserved, rhetorical, rich, sensational, sensationalistic, short, short and sweet, shortened, showy, significant, significative, sonorous, stilted, substantial, succinct, suggestive, summary, symbolic, synopsized, taciturn, tall, terse, tight, to the point, tortuous, transferred, truncated, warning




N conciseness, brevity, the soul of wit, laconism, Tacitus, ellipsis, syncope, abridgment, compression, epitome, monostich, brunch word, portmanteau word, concise, brief, short, terse, close, to the point, exact, neat, compact, compressed, condensed, pointed, laconic, curt, pithy, trenchant, summary, pregnant, compendious, succinct, elliptical, epigrammatic, quaint, crisp, sententious, concisely, briefly, summarily, in brief, in short, in a word, in a few words, for shortness sake, to come to the point, to make a long story short, to cut the matter short, to be brief, it comes to this, the long and the short of it is, brevis esse laboro obscurus fio.


N vigor, power, force, boldness, raciness, intellectual, force, spirit, point, antithesis, piquance, piquancy, verve, glow, fire, warmth, strong language, gravity, sententiousness, elevation, loftiness, sublimity, eloquence, command of words, command of language, vigorous, nervous, powerful, forcible, trenchant, incisive, impressive, sensational, spirited, lively, glowing, sparkling, racy, bold, slashing, pungent, piquant, full of point, pointed, pithy, antithetical, sententious, lofty, elevated, sublime, eloquent, vehement, petulant, impassioned, poetic, in glowing terms, in good set terms, in no measured terms, thoughts that breath and words that burn.


N ornament, floridness c, adj, turgidity, turgescence, altiloquence, declamation, teratology, well-rounded periods, elegance, orotundity, inversion, antithesis, alliteration, paronomasia, figurativeness, flourish, flowers of speech, flowers of rhetoric, frills of style, euphuism, euphemism, big-sounding words, high-sounding words, macrology, sesquipedalia verba, Alexandrine, inflation, pretension, rant, bombast, fustian, prose run mad, fine writing, sesquipedality, Minerva press, phrasemonger, euphuist, euphemist, ornament, beautified, ornate, florid, rich, flowery, euphuistic, euphemistic, sonorous, high-sounding, big-sounding, inflated, swelling, tumid, turgid, turgescent, pedantic, pompous, stilted, orotund, high flown, high flowing, sententious, rhetorical, declamatory, grandiose, grandiloquent, magniloquent, altiloquent, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, Johnsonian, mouthy, bombastic, fustian, frothy, flashy, flaming, antithetical, alliterative, figurative, artificial, ore rutundo, ornament, ornamentation, ornamental art, ornature, ornateness, adornment, decoration, embellishment, architecture, jewelry, garnish, polish, varnish, French polish, veneer, japanning, lacquer, gilding, plating, ormolu, enamel, cloisonn_e, cosmetics (in general), makeup, eye shadow, rouge, face powder, lipstick, blush, pattern, diaper, powdering, paneling, graining, pargeting, detail, repousse (convexity), texture, richness, tracery, molding, fillet, listel, strapwork, coquillage, flourish, fleur-de-lis, arabesque, fret, anthemion, egg and tongue, egg and dart, astragal, zigzag, acanthus, cartouche, pilaster, bead, beading, champleve ware, cloisonne ware, frost work, Moresque, Morisco, tooling, embroidery, brocade, brocatelle, galloon, lace, fringe, trapping, border, edging, trimming, hanging, tapestry, arras, millinery, ermine, drap d'or, wreath, festoon, garland, chaplet, flower, nosegay, bouquet, posy, daisies pied and violets blue, tassel knot, shoulder knot, apaulette, epaulet, aigulet, frog, star, rosette, bow, feather, plume, pompom, panache, aigrette, finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, spangle, clinquant, pinchbeck, paste, excess of ornament, gaud, pride, illustration, illumination, vignette, fleuron, head piece, tail piece, cul-de-lampe, flowers of rhetoric, work of art, ornamented, beautified, ornate, rich, gilt, begilt, tesselated, festooned, champleve, cloisonne, topiary, smart, gay, trickly, flowery, glittering, new gilt, new spangled, fine as a Mayday queen, fine as a fivepence, fine as a carrot fresh scraped, pranked out, bedight, well-groomed, in full dress, dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, dressed to advantage, in Sunday best, en grand tenue, en grande toilette, in best bib and tucker, endimanche, showy, flashy, gaudy, garish, gairish, gorgeous, ornamental, decorative, becoming.

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