Janus-like, Maxwell triangle, Munsell scale, accessory, accident, accidental, addendum, addition, additional, adjunct, adscititious, adventitious, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, ambidextrous, amicus curiae, analogy, ancillary, appendage, appurtenance, appurtenant, ascititious, assistant, attorney, auxiliary, backup, backup man, bifacial, bifold, biform, bilateral, binary, binate, biparous, bivalent, borrowed, casual, champion, change, changeling, chromatic circle, chromatic spectrum, chromaticity diagram, circumstantial, cog, collateral, color circle, color cycle, color index, color mixture curve, color solid, color spectrum, color system, color triangle, coming, common, commonality, commonalty, comparison, complementary color, conduplicate, consequent, contingency, contingent, copied, copy, counterfeit, covert, creature, demeaning, demitint, dependent, deputy, derivational, derivative, derived, dinky, disadvantaged, disomatous, double, double-faced, dual, dummy, duple, duplex, duplicate, employee, equal, equivalent, ersatz, eventual, exchange, executive officer, exponent, extra, fake, feather, feathers, figurehead, fill-in, final, flunky, follower, fortuitous, full color, fundamental colors, geminate, geminated, ghost, ghostwriter, hackle, half tint, halftone, happenstance, helper, hoi polloi, hue cycle, humble, imitated, imitation, in the shade, incidental, indirect, inessential, inferior, infra dig, insignificant, junior, last, less, lesser, lieutenant, lightweight, locum, locum tenens, low, low-priority, lower, lower class, lower orders, lowly, mail, makeshift, marginal, masses, mere chance, metamer, metaphor, metonymy, minor, mock, modest, monochrome, next best thing, no great shakes, nonessential, not-self, of no account, of no consequence, of no matter, of no significance, ordinary, other, paranymph, pawn, personnel, phony, pinch, pinch hitter, pleader, plumage, poor relation, primary, primary color, procurator, provisional, proxy, pure color, relief, replacement, representative, reserve, reserves, resultant, right-hand man, ringer, scrub, second, second fiddle, second in command, second rank, second string,
secondary color, secondhand, servant, servile, sign, small, small-fry, small-time, solar spectrum, spare, spares, spectral color, spectrum, spectrum color, speculum, stand-in, stopgap, sub, subaltern, subject, subordinate, subsequent, subservient, subsidiary, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, superadded, superaddition, superfluous, superseder, supervenient, supplanter, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supporting, supportive, surrogate, symbol, synecdoche, temporary, tentative, tertiary, tertiary color, third rank, third string, third stringer, token, tributary, twin, twinned, two-faced, two-level, two-ply, two-sided, two-story, twofold, ultimate, under, underling, underprivileged, understrapper, understudy, unessential, unimportant, unoriginal, utility, utility man, utility player, vicar, vicar general, vicarious, vice, vice-president, vice-regent, vicegerent, vulgar, yes-man
imperfection, imperfectness, deficiency, inadequacy, peccancy, immaturity, fault, defect, weak point, screw loose, flaw, gap, twist, taint, attainder, bar sinister, hole in one's coat, blemish, weakness, half blood, shortcoming, drawback, seamy side, mediocrity, no great shakes, no great catch, not much to boast of, one-horse shay, imperfect, not perfect, deficient, defective, faulty, unsound, tainted, out of order, out of tune, cracked, leaky, sprung, warped, lame, injured, peccant, frail, inadequate, crude, incomplete, found wanting, below par, short-handed, below its full strength, under its full strength, below its full complement, indifferent, middling, ordinary, mediocre, average, so-so, coucicouci, milk and water, tolerable, fair, passable, pretty well, pretty good, rather good, moderately good, good, good enough, well enough, adequate, decent, not bad, not amiss, inobjectionable, unobjectionable, admissible, bearable, only better than nothing,
secondary, inferior, second-rate, second-best, one-horse, almost, to a limited extent, rather, pretty, moderately, passing, only, considering, all things considered, enough, surgit amari aliquid.
inferiority, minority, subordinacy, shortcoming, deficiency, minimum, smallness, imperfection, lower quality, lower worth, commonalty, inferior, smaller, small, minor, less, lesser, deficient, minus, lower, subordinate,
secondary, secondrate, sub, subaltern, thrown into the shade, weighed in the balance and found wanting, not fit to hold a candle to, can't hold a candle to, least, smallest &c (little) (small), lowest, diminished, reduced, unimportant, less, under the mark, below the mark, below par, at the bottom of the scale, at a low ebb, at a disadvantage, short of, under.
deputy, substitute, vice, proxy, locum tenens, badli, delegate, representative, next friend, surrogate,
secondary, regent, viceregent, vizier, minister, vicar, premier, chancellor, prefect, provost, warden, lieutenant, archon, consul, proconsul, viceroy, commissioner, Tsung-li Yamen, Wai Wu Pu, plenipotentiary, alter ego, team, eight, eleven, champion, acting, vice, vice regal, accredited to, in behalf of.