Arp, CYSP sculpture, French, Maillol, Michelangelo, Milles, Moore, Oldenburg, Phidias, Picasso, Pisano, Praxiteles, Saint-Gaudens, anaglyptics, anaglyptography, architectural sculpture, bone-carving, carver, casting, ceroplastics, chaser, chasing, clay modeler, clay sculpture, decorative sculpture, earth art, earth artist, embossing, engraving, figurer, figuriste, founding, garden sculpture, gem carver, gem-cutting, glass sculpture, glyptic, graver, ivory-carving, lost-wax process, mason, metal sculpture, modeler, modeling, molder, molding, monumental mason, monumental sculpture, paper sculpture, plaster casting, plastic art, portrait sculpture, relief, relief-carving, relievo, sculptress, sculpture, sculpturer, sculpturing, shell-carving, statuary, stone sculpture, stonecutter, stonecutting, wax modeler, whittling, wire sculpture, wood carver, wood carving, xyloglyphy
artist, painter, limner, drawer, sketcher, designer, engraver, master, old master, draftsman, draughtsman, copyist, dauber, hack, enamel, enameler, enamelist, caricaturist, historical painter, landscape painter, marine painter, flower painter, portrait painter, miniature painter, miniaturist, scene painter, sign painter, coach painter, engraver, Apelles,
sculptor, carver, chaser, modeler, figuriste, statuary, Phidias, Praxiteles, Royal Academician, photographer, cinematographer, lensman, cameraman, camera technician, camera buff, wildlife photographer, photo safari, with gun and camera.