Scotch, aside from, bar, barring, beside, besides, but, cache, canny, careful, chary, cheeseparing, compensating, compensatory, conservancy, conservation, conservational, conservationism, conservationist, conservative, conservatory, conserving, cooling, cooling down, cooling off, curtailment, cutback, deliverance, delivery, economic, economical, economization, economizing, economy, environmental conservation, ex, except, except for, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, excusing the liberty, extenuating, extenuatory, extrication, forehanded, forest conservation, forest management, freeing, frugal, frugality, hoard, in deference to, keeping, labor-
saving, leaving out, let alone, liberation, lifesaving, low growth rate, maintenance, money-
saving, nest egg, omitting, outside of, parsimonious, penny-wise, precluding, preserval, preservation, preservative, preservatory, preserving, protection, protective, providence, provident, prudence, prudent, prudential, qualifying, ransom, recovery, redeeming, redemption, redemptional, redemptive, reduction of expenses, reduction of spending, release, rescue, reserve, resources, retrenchment, retrieval, safekeeping, salvage, salvation, save, save and except,
saving your reverence, savings, scraping, scrimping, skimping, slowdown, soil conservation, spare, sparing, sparingness, stream conservation, support, than, thrift, thrifty, time-
saving, unless, unwasteful, upkeep, wary, water conservation, wetlands conservation, wildlife conservation, with all respect, with due respect, without
economy, frugality, thrift, thriftiness, care, husbandry, good housewifery, savingness, retrenchment, savings, prevention of waste, save-all, cheese parings and candle ends, parsimony, cost-cutting, cost control, economical, frugal, careful, thrifty,
saving, chary, spare, sparing, parsimonious, underpaid, sparingly, ne quid nimis, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit, magnum est vectigal parsimonia.