run dry
spend, expend, use, consume, swallow up, exhaust, impoverish, spill, drain, empty, disperse, cast away, fool away, muddle away, throw away, fling away, fritter away, burn the candle at both ends, waste, squander, waste its sweetness on the desert air, cast one's bread upon the waters, cast pearls before swine, employ a steam engine to crack a nut, waste powder and shot, break a butterfly on a wheel, labor in vain, cut blocks with a razor, pour water into a sieve, leak, run to waste, ebb, melt away,
run dry, dry up.
be insufficient, not suffice, come short of,
run dry, want, lack, need, require, caret, be in want, live from hand to mouth, render insufficient Adj, drain of resources, impoverish, stint, put on short allowance, do insufficiently, scotch the snake.