rough draft
acid test, assay, black and white, blank determination, brouillon, cartoon, charcoal, charcoal drawing, chiaroscuro, crayon, criterion, crucial test, crucible, delineation, design, determination, diagram, docimasy, doodle, draft, drawing, ebauche, esquisse, essay, feeling out, first draft, graph, kiteflying, line drawing, ordeal, pastel, pen-and-ink, pencil drawing, probation, proof, rough copy, rough outline, rough sketch, silhouette, silver-print drawing, sinopia, sketch, sounding out, standard, study, test, test case, touchstone, tracing, trial, try, verification, vignette
rough draft
plan, scheme, design, project, proposal, proposition, suggestion, resolution, motion, precaution, deep- laid plan, system, organization, germ, sketch, skeleton, outline, draught, draft, ebauche, brouillon, rough cast,
rough draft, draught copy, copy, proof, revise, drawing, scheme, schematic, graphic, chart, flow chart (representation), forecast, program, programme, prospectus, carte du pays, card, bill, protocol, order of the day, list of agenda, bill of fare, base of operations, platform, plank, slate, ticket, role, policy, contrivance, invention, expedient, receipt, nostrum, artifice, device, pipelaying, stratagem, trick, alternative, loophole, shift, last shift, measure, step, stroke, stroke of policy, master stroke, trump card, court card, cheval de bataille, great gun, coup, coup d'etat, clever stroke, bold stroke, good move, good hit, good stroke, bright thought, bright idea, intrigue, cabal, plot, conspiracy, complot, machination, subplot, underplot, counterplot, schemer, schemist, schematist, strategist, machinator, projector, artist, promoter, designer, conspirator, intrigant, planned, strategic, strategical, planning, prepared, in course of preparation, under consideration, on the tapis, on the carpet, on the floor.