OK, abscission, ace-high, amputation, bad, bang-up, bonzer, boss, bully, but good, butchering, chopping, claim, cleavage, cool, corking, crackerjack, cutting, dandy, delicious, demand, dichotomy, divine, ducky, enucleation, exaction, excellent, excision, exciting, extortion, fab, fine, fine and dandy, fission, gear, glorious, great, groovy, heavy, hot, hunky-dory, jam-up, just dandy, keen, laceration, marvy, mean, mutilation, neat, nifty, nobby, okay, out of sight, peachy, peachy-keen, rending, resection, rum, scission, scrumptious, section, sensational, severance, slap-up, slashing, slicing, smashing, solid, something else, spiffing, spiffy, splendid, splitting, stirring, stunning, super, surgery, swell, tearing, terrific, thrilling, tough, wizard, wonderful, wrench, wrenching, wrest, wresting, wring, wringing