Babi, Babism, Bahaism, Brahmanism, Brahmoism, Buddhism, Buddhology, Chen Yen Buddhism, Christianity, Mariolatry, Mariology, Mercersburg theology, Weltanschauung, adoration, anthroposophy, apologetics, articles of
religion, belief, canonics, catechism, church, churchgoing, communion, conformity, connection, credenda, credo, creed, crisis theology, cult, cultism, denomination, devotedness, devotion, devoutness, dialogical theology, divinity, doctrinal statement, doctrinalism, doctrine, doctrinism, dogma, dogmatics, dutifulness, eschatology, existential theology, faith, faithfulness, formulated belief, gospel, hagiography, hagiology, hierology, ideology, ism, logos Christology, logos theology, love of God, natural theology, neoorthodox theology, neoorthodoxy, observance, patristic theology, persuasion, phenomenological theology, physicotheology, pietism, piety, piousness, political faith, political philosophy, rationalism, religionism, religiousness, reverence, scholastic theology, school, sect, secularism, soteriology, system of belief, systematics, theism, theology, veneration, world view, worship, worshipfulness
theology (natural and revealed), theogony, theosophy, divinity, hagiology, hagiography, Caucasian mystery, monotheism,
religion, religious persuasion, religious sect, religious denomination, creed, article of faith, declaration of faith, profession of faith, confession of faith, theologue, theologian, scholastic, divine, schoolman, canonist, theologist, the Fathers, theological, religious, denominational, sectarian.
religion, theism, faith, religiousness, holiness, saintship, religionism, sanctimony, reverence, humility, veneration, devotion, prostration, grace, unction, edification, sanctity, sanctitude, consecration, spiritual existence, odor of sanctity, beauty of holiness, theopathy, beatification, adoption, regeneration, conversion, justification, sanctification, salvation, inspiration, bread of life, Body and Blood of Christ, believer, convert, theist, Christian, devotee, pietist, the good, the righteous, the just, the believing, the elect, Saint, Madonna, Notre Dame, Our Lady, the children of God, the children of the Kingdom, the children of the light, pious, religious, devout, devoted, reverent, godly, heavenly- minded, humble, pure, holy, spiritual, pietistic, saintly, saint-like, seraphic, sacred, solemn, believing, faithful, Christian, Catholic, elected, adopted, justified, sanctified, regenerated, inspired, consecrated, converted, unearthly, not of the earth, ne vile fano, pure-eyed Faith, thou hovering angel girt with golden wings.