Sunday best, apparatus, appurtenances, armory, badge, badge of office, badges, baton, blazonry, brassard, bravery, button, cap and gown, cap of dignity, cap of maintenance, chain, chain of office, class ring, cockade, collar, coronet, cross, crown, decoration, decorations, diadem, dress, dress uniform, eagle, emblems, ensigns, equipage, equipment, ermine, evening dress, fasces, figurehead, finery, fleur-de-lis, formal dress, frippery, full dress, furnishings, gear, great seal, hammer and sickle, heraldry, insignia, lapel pin, livery, mace, mantle, markings, medal, mortarboard, old school tie, orb, paraphernalia, pin, privy seal, purple, purple pall, ring, robe of state, rod, rod of empire, rose, royal crown, scepter, school ring, seal, shamrock, sigillography, signet, skull and crossbones, sphragistics, staff, swastika, tackle, tails, tartan, thistle, tiara, tie, trappings, triple plume, tuxedo, uniform, uraeus, verge, wand, war paint
regalia, caduceus, Mercury's rod, Mercury's staff, Mercury's wand, rod of empire, mace, fasces, wand, staff, staff of office, baton, truncheon, flag, ensign of authority, emblem of authority, badge of authority, insignia of authority, throne, chair, musnud, divan, dais, woolsack, toga, pall, mantle, robes of state, ermine, purple, crown, coronet, diadem, tiara, cap of maintenance, decoration, title, portfolio, key, signet, seals, talisman, helm, reins.