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Daftar Isi -- recurrent
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Adjective recurrent has 1 sense


recurrenta. [L. recurrens, -entis, p. pr. of recurrere: cf.F. récurrent. See Recur.].
  •  Returning from time to time; recurring; as, recurrent pains.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Running back toward its origin; as, a recurrent nerve or artery.  [1913 Webster]
Recurrent fever. (Med.) See Relapsing fever, under Relapsing. -- Recurrent pulse (Physiol.), the pulse beat which appears (when the radial artery is compressed at the wrist) on the distal side of the point of pressure through the arteries of the palm of the hand. -- Recurrent sensibility (Physiol.), the sensibility manifested by the anterior, or motor, roots of the spinal cord (their stimulation causing pain) owing to the presence of sensory fibers from the corresponding sensory or posterior roots.


recurrent, adj.
1 recurring; happening repeatedly.
2 (of a nerve, vein, branch, etc.) turning back so as to reverse direction.

recurrence n. recurrently adv.



alternate, articulated, automatic, beaten, beating, catenated, ceaseless, circling, common, concatenated, connected, constant, continual, continued, continuing, continuous, cyclic, cyclical, direct, endless, epochal, even, ever-recurring, every other, everyday, featureless, frequent, frequentative, gapless, habitual, hackneyed, haunting, immediate, incessant, indelible, interminable, intermittent, isochronal, isochronous, iterative, joined, jointless, linked, many, many times, measured, metronomic, monotonous, nagging, never-ending, nonstop, not rare, obsessive, of common occurrence, oft-repeated, oftentime, ordinary, oscillatory, perennial, periodic, periodical, persistent, prevalent, pulsing, reappearing, reciprocal, recurring, regular, repeated, repetitious, repetitive, returning, revenant, rhythmic, rotary, round-the-clock, routine, running, seamless, seasonal, serial, serried, smooth, stable, steady, stereotyped, straight, thematic, thick-coming, trite, twenty-four-hour, ubiquitous, unbroken, unceasing, undifferentiated, undulant, undulatory, unending, unforgettable, uniform, unintermitted, unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unrelieved, unremitting, unstopped, usual, wavelike, well-trodden, well-worn, wheeling




N discontinuity, disjunction, anacoluthon, interruption, break, fracture, flaw, fault, crack, cut, gap, solution of continuity, caesura, broken thread, parenthesis, episode, rhapsody, patchwork, intermission, alternation, dropping fire, discontinuous, unsuccessive, broken, interrupted, dicousu, disconnected, unconnected, discrete, disjunctive, fitful, spasmodic, desultory, intermitting, occasional, intermittent, alternate, recurrent, at intervals, by snatches, by jerks, by skips, by catches, by fits and starts, skippingly, per saltum, longo intervallo, like 'angel visits few and far between'.


N repetition, iteration, reiteration, harping, recurrence, succession, run, battology, tautology, monotony, tautophony, rhythm, diffuseness, pleonasm, redundancy, chimes, repetend, echo, ritornello, burden of a song, refrain, rehearsal, rechauffe, rifacimento, recapitulation, cuckoo, reverberation, drumming, renewal, twice-told tale, old story, old song, second edition, new edition, reappearance, reproduction, recursion, periodicity, repeated, repetitional, repetitionary, recurrent, recurring, ever recurring, thick coming, frequent, incessant, redundant, pleonastic, monotonous, harping, iterative, recursive, unvaried, mocking, chiming, retold, aforesaid, aforenamed, above-mentioned, above-said, habitual, another, repeatedly, often, again, anew, over again, afresh, once more, ding-dong, ditto, encore, de novo, bis, da capo, again and again, over and over, over and over again, recursively, many times over, time and again, time after time, year after year, day by day, many times, several times, a number of times, many a time, full many a time, frequently, ecce iterum Crispinus, toujours perdrix, cut and come again, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, cantilenam eandem canis, nullum est jam dictum quod non dictum sit prius.


N regularity of recurrence, periodicity, intermittence, beat, oscillation, pulse, pulsation, rhythm, alternation, alternateness, alternativeness, alternity, bout, round, revolution, rotation, turn, say, anniversary, jubilee, centenary, catamenia, courses, menses, menstrual flux, rota, cycle, period, stated time, routine, days of the week, Sunday, Monday, months of the year, January, feast, fast, Christmas, Easter, New Year's day, Allhallows, Allhallowmas, All Saints' Day, All Souls', All Souls' Day, Ash Wednesday, bicentennial, birthday, bissextile, Candlemas, Dewali, groundhog day, Halloween, Hallowmas, Lady day, leap year, Midsummer day, Muharram, woodchuck day, St. Swithin's day, natal day, yearbook, yuletide, punctuality, regularity, steadiness, periodic, periodical, serial, recurrent, cyclical, rhythmical, recurring, intermittent, remittent, alternate, every other, hourly, diurnal, daily, quotidian, tertian, weekly, hebdomadal, hebdomadary, biweekly, fortnightly, bimonthly, catamenial, monthly, menstrual, yearly, annual, biennial, triennial, centennial, secular, paschal, lenten, regular, steady, punctual, regular as clockwork, periodically, at regular intervals, at stated times, at fixed established, at established periods, punctually, de die in diem, from day to day, day by day, by turns, in turn, in rotation, alternately, every other day, off and on, ride and tie, round and round.

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