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Adjective, Noun


Noun recent has 1 sense

Adjective recent has 2 senses


recenta. [L. recens, -entis: cf. F. récent.].
  •  Of late origin, existence, or occurrence; lately come; not of remote date, antiquated style, or the like; not already known, familiar, worn out, trite, etc.; fresh; novel; new; modern; as, recent news.  [1913 Webster]
    "The ancients were of opinion, that a considerable portion of that country [Egypt] was recent, and formed out of the mud discharged into the neighboring sea by the Nile."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Of or pertaining to the present or existing epoch; as, recent shells.  [1913 Webster]


recent, adj. & n.
1 not long past; that happened, appeared, began to exist, or existed lately.
2 not long established; lately begun; modern.
3 (Recent) Geol. = HOLOCENE.
--n. Geol. = HOLOCENE.

recency n. recently adv. recentness n.
L recens recentis or F r{eacute}cent



ancient, brand-new, current, early, erstwhile, fore, former, fresh, immemorial, just out, late, later, latest, latter, modern, modernistic, neoteric, new, new-fashioned, newfangled, newly come, novel, of yesterday, old, olden, once, onetime, past, prehistoric, previous, primeval, primitive, prior, quondam, sometime, then



The Past

N the past, past time, days of yore, times of yore, days of old, times of old, days past, times past, days gone by, times gone by, bygone days, old times, ancient times, former times, fore time, the good old days, the olden time, good old time, auld lang syne, eld, antiquity, antiqueness, status quo, time immemorial, distance of time, remote age, remote time, remote past, rust of antiquity, paleontology, paleography, paleology, paleozoology, palaetiology, archaeology, paleogeography, paleoecology, paleobotany, paleoclimatoogy, archaism, antiquarianism, medievalism, Pre-Raphaelitism, paleography, retrospect, retrospection, looking back, memory, laudator temporis acti, medievalist, Pre-Raphaelite, antiquary, antiquarian, archmologist, Oldbuck, Dryasdust, ancestry, past, gone, gone by, over, passed away, bygone, foregone, elapsed, lapsed, preterlapsed, expired, no more, run out, blown over, has-been, that has been, extinct, antediluvian, antebellum, never to return, gone with the wind, exploded, forgotten, irrecoverable, obsolete, former, pristine, quondam, ci-devant, late, ancestral, foregoing, last, latter, recent, over night, preterperfect, preterpluperfect, looking back, retrospective, retroactive, archaeological, paleo-, archaeo-, formerly, of old, of yore, erst, whilom, erewhile, time was, ago, over, in the olden time, anciently, long ago, long since, a long while, a long time ago, years ago, yesteryear, ages ago, some time ago, some time since, some time back, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year, ultimo, lately, retrospectively, ere now, before now, till now, hitherto, heretofore, no longer, once, once upon a time, from time immemorial, from prehistoric times, in the memory of man, time out of mind, already, yet, up to this time, ex post facto, time was, the time has been, the time hath been, you can't go home again, fuimus Troes, fruit Ilium, hoc erat in more majorum, O call back yesterday, bid time return, tempi passati, the eternal landscape of the past, ultimus Romanorum, what's past is prologue, whose yesterdays look backward with a smile, Time with reference to a particular period.


N newness, novelty, recency, immaturity, youth, gloss of novelty, innovation, renovation, modernism, mushroom, parvenu, latest fashion, new, novel, recent, fresh, green, young, evergreen, raw, immature, unsettled, yeasty, virgin, untried, unhandseled, untrodden, untrod, unbeaten, fire-new, span-new, late, modern, neoteric, hypermodern, nouveau, new-born, nascent, neonatal, new-fashioned, new-fangled, new-fledged, of yesterday, just out, brand-new, up to date, up to the minute, with it, fashionable, in fashion, in, hip, vernal, renovated, sempervirent, sempervirid, fresh as a rose, fresh as a daisy, fresh as paint, spick and span, newly, afresh, anew, lately, just now, only yesterday, the other day, latterly, of late, not long ago, a short time ago, di novello tutto par bello, nullum est jam dictum quod non dictum est prius, una scopa nuova spazza bene.


N oldness, age, antiquity, cobwebs of antiquity, maturity, decline, decay, senility, seniority, eldership, primogeniture, archaism, thing of the past, relic of the past, megatherium, Sanskrit, tradition, prescription, custom, immemorial usage, common law, old, ancient, antique, of long standing, time-honored, venerable, elder, eldest, firstborn, prime, primitive, primeval, primigenous, paleolontological, paleontologic, paleoanthropological, paleoanthropic, paleolithic, primordial, primordinate, aboriginal, diluvian, antediluvian, protohistoric, prehistoric, antebellum, colonial, precolumbian, patriarchal, preadamite, paleocrystic, fossil, paleozoolical, paleozoic, preglacial, antemundane, archaic, classic, medieval, Pre-Raphaelite, ancestral, black-letter, immemorial, traditional, prescriptive, customary, whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contr, inveterate, rooted, antiquated, of other times, rococo, of the old school, after-age, obsolete, out of date, out of fashion, out of it, stale, old-fashioned, behind the age, old-world, exploded, gone out, gone by, passe, run out, senile, time worn, crumbling, secondhand, old as the hills, old as Methuselah, old as Adam, old as history, Archeozoic, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Paleogene, Neocene, Quaternary, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Recent, since the world was made, since the year one, since the days of Methuselah, vetera extollimus recentium incuriosi.

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