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Noun prototype has 1 sense


prototypen. [F., from L. prototypus original, primitive, Gr. , ; first + type, model. See Proto-, and Type].
     An original or model after which anything is copied; the pattern of anything to be engraved, or otherwise copied, cast, or the like; a primary form; exemplar; archetype.  [1913 Webster]
    "They will turn their backs on it, like their great precursor and prototype."  [1913 Webster]


prototype, n.
1 an original thing or person of which or whom copies, imitations, improved forms, representations, etc. are made.
2 a trial model or preliminary version of a vehicle, machine, etc.

prototypal adj. prototypic adj. prototypical adj. prototypically adv.
F prototype or LL prototypus f. Gk prototupos (as PROTO-, TYPE)



Geistesgeschichte, Hegelian idea, Kantian idea, Platonic form, Platonic idea, aesthetic form, analogue, ancestor, antecedent, antetype, antitype, archetype, art form, biotype, build, cast, classic, classic example, complex idea, configuration, conformation, criterion, cut, epitome, eternal object, eternal universal, example, exemplar, fashion, figuration, figure, first, foregoer, form, formal cause, format, formation, frame, fugleman, fugler, genotype, genre, highest category, history of ideas, ideal, idealism, ideate, ideatum, idee-force, illustration, imitatee, impression, innate idea, inner form, innovation, instance, layout, lead, make, makeup, masterpiece, masterwork, matrix, metaphor, mirror, modality, mode, model, mold, mould, new departure, noosphere, norm, noumenon, original, paradigm, paragon, pattern, pattern of perfection, percept, pilot model, precedent, precursor, predecessor, quintessence, referent, regulative first principle, representative, rule, sample, set, shape, significant form, simple idea, stamp, standard, structure, style, subsistent form, the Absolute, the Absolute Idea, the Self-determined, the realized ideal, transcendent idea, transcendent nonempirical concept, transcendent universal, turn, type, type species, type specimen, universal, universal concept, universal essence, urtext, very model




N prototype, original, model, pattern, precedent, standard, ideal, reference, scantling, type, archetype, antitype, protoplast, module, exemplar, example, ensample, paradigm, lay-figure, text, copy, design, fugleman, keynote, die, mold, matrix, last, plasm, proplasm, protoplasm, mint, seal, punch, intaglio, negative, stamp, a precedent embalms a principle, exempla sunt odiosa.


N prediction, announcement, program, programme, premonition, prognosis, prophecy, vaticination, mantology, prognostication, premonstration, augury, auguration, ariolation, hariolation, foreboding, aboding, bodement, abodement, omniation, omniousness, auspices, forecast, omen, horoscope, nativity, sooth, soothsaying, fortune telling, crystal gazing, divination, necromancy, astrology, horoscopy, judicial astrology, adytum prefiguration, prefigurement, prototype, type, oracle, predicting, predictive, prophetic, fatidic, fatidical, vaticinal, oracular, fatiloquent, haruspical, Sibylline, weatherwise, ominous, portentous, augurous, augurial, augural, auspicial, auspicious, prescious, monitory, extispicious, premonitory, significant of, pregnant with, bit with the fate of, coming events cast their shadows before, dicamus bona verba, there buds the promise of celestial worth, by oracles, Theomancy, by the Bible, Bibliomancy, by ghosts, Psychomancy, by crystal gazing, Crystallomancy, by shadows or manes, Sciomancy, by appearances in the air, Aeromancy, Chaomancy, by the stars at birth, Genethliacs, by meteors, Meteoromancy, by winds, Austromancy, by sacrificial appearances, Aruspicy, Haruspicy, Hieromancy, Hieroscopy, by the entrails of animals sacrificed, Extispicy, Hieromancy, by the entrails of a human sacrifice, Anthropomancy, by the entrails of fishes, Ichthyomancy, by sacrificial fire, Pyromancy, by red-hot iron, Sideromancy, by smoke from the altar, Capnomancy, by mice, Myomancy, by birds, Orniscopy, Ornithomancy, by a cock picking up grains, Alectryomancy, Alectromancy, by fishes, Ophiomancy, by herbs, Botanomancy, by water, Hydromancy, by fountains, Pegomancy, by a wand, Rhabdomancy, by dough of cakes, Crithomancy, by meal, Aleuromancy, Alphitomancy, by salt, Halomancy, by dice, Cleromancy, by arrows, Belomancy, by a balanced hatchet, Axinomancy, by a balanced sieve, Coscinomancy, by a suspended ring, Dactyliomancy, by dots made at random on paper, Geomancy, by precious stones, Lithomancy, by pebbles, Pessomancy, by pebbles drawn from a heap, Psephomancy, by mirrors, Catoptromancy, by writings in ashes, Tephramancy, by dreams, Oneiromancy, by the hand, Palmistry, Chiromancy, by nails reflecting the sun's rays, Onychomancy, by finger rings, Dactylomancy, by numbers, Arithmancy, by drawing lots, Sortilege, by passages in books, Stichomancy, by the letters forming the name of the person, Onomancy, Nomancy, by the features, Anthroposcopy, by the mode of laughing, Geloscopy, by ventriloquism, Gastromancy, by walking in a circle, Gyromancy, by dropping melted wax into water, Ceromancy, by currents, Bletonism, by the color and peculiarities of wine, Oenomancy.

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