absorb, adopt, appropriate, arrogate, assume, bend, bias, busy, colonize, conquer, distort, engage, engross, enslave, hog, imbue, immerse, indent, influence, involve, jaundice, jump a claim, make free with, make use of, monopolize, occupy, overrun, preempt, preengage, prejudice, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, preoccupy, requisition, sit on, soak, squat on, subjugate, sway, take all of, take it all, take over, take possession of, take up, twist, usurp, warp
misjudge, misestimate, misthink, misconjecture, misconceive, fly in the face of facts, miscalculate, misreckon, miscompute, overestimate, underestimate, prejudge, forejudge, presuppose, presume, prejudicate, dogmatize, have a bias, have only one idea, jurare in verba magistri, run away with the notion, jump to a conclusion, rush to a conclusion, leap to a conclusion, judge hastily, shoot from the hip, jump to conclusions, look only at one side of the shield, view with jaundiced eye, view through distorting spectacles, not see beyond one's nose, dare pondus fumo, get the wrong sow by the ear, give a bias, give a twist, bias, warp, twist, prejudice,