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Daftar Isi -- preoccupied
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preoccupied (root: preoccupy)



Adjective preoccupied has 2 senses



absent, absentminded, absorbed, absorbed in, abstracted, assiduous, bemused, besotted, blind, buried in, buried in thought, castle-building, caught up in, constant, contemplating, contemplative, continuing, daydreaming, daydreamy, deaf, deep, devoted, devoted to, diligent, dogged, dreaming, dreamy, drowsing, ecstatic, elsewhere, enduring, engaged, engaged in thought, engrossed, engrossed in, engrossed in thought, faithful, faraway, fixated, forgetful, gripped, half-awake, held, hung-up, immersed, immersed in, immersed in thought, immutable, in a reverie, in the clouds, inalterable, indefatigable, indomitable, industrious, infatuated, insensible, insistent, intent, intent on, introspective, invincible, involved, lasting, lost, lost in, lost in thought, loyal, meditating, meditative, monomaniac, monomaniacal, monopolized, mooning, moonraking, museful, musing, napping, never-tiring, nodding, oblivious, obsessed, obstinate, occupied, patient, patient as Job, pensive, permanent, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, pipe-dreaming, plodding, plugging, possessed, prepossessed, rapt, relentless, resolute, sedulous, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, somewhere else, stable, stargazing, steadfast, steady, stubborn, studious, studying, submerged in, swept up, taken up, taken up with, tenacious, tireless, totally absorbed, transported, unabating, unconquerable, unconscious, undaunted, undiscouraged, undrooping, unfailing, unfaltering, unflagging, unflinching, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unnodding, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unremitting, unsleeping, unswerving, untiring, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, utterly attentive, weariless, woolgathering, wrapped, wrapped in, wrapped in thought, wrapped up, wrapped up in




N attention, mindfulness, presence of mind, intentness, intentiveness, alertness, thought, advertence, advertency, observance, observation, consideration, reflection, perpension, heed, heedfulness, particularity, notice, regard, circumspection, diligence, study, scrutiny inspection, introspection, revision, revisal, active application, diligent application, exclusive application, minute application, close application, intense application, deep application, profound application, abstract application, labored application, deliberate application, active attention, diligent attention, exclusive attention, minute attention, close attention, intense attention, deep attention, profound attention, abstract attention, labored attention, deliberate attention, active thought, diligent thought, exclusive thought, minute thought, close thought, intense thought, deep thought, profound thought, abstract thought, labored thought, deliberate thought, active study, diligent study, exclusive study, minute study, close study, intense study, deep study, profound study, abstract study, labored study, deliberate study, minuteness, attention to detail, absorption of mind, indication, calling attention to, attentive, mindful, observant, regardful, alive to, awake to, observing, alert, open-eyed, intent on, taken up with, occupied with, engaged in, engrossed in, wrapped in, absorbed, rapt, transfixed, riveted, mesmerized, hypnotized, glued to (the TV, the window, a book), breathless, preoccupied, watchful, breathless, undistracted, upon the stretch, on the watch, steadfast, interesting, engrossing, mesmerizing, riveting, Int, see!, look, look here, look you, look to it!, mark!, lo!, behold!, soho!, hark, hark ye!, mind!, halloo!, observe!, lo and behold!, attention!, nota bene, N, B, note well, I'd have you to know, notice!, O yes!, Oyez!, dekko!, ecco!, yoho!, this is to give notice, these are to give notice, dictum sapienti sat est, a word to the wise is sufficient, finem respice, Attention! Now hear this! Oyez!, Achtung, vnimanie, chui.


N inattention, inconsideration, inconsiderateness, oversight, inadvertence, inadvertency, nonobservance, disregard, supineness, etourderie, want of thought, heedlessness, insouciance, abstraction, absence of mind, absorption of mind, preoccupation, distraction, reverie, brown study, deep musing, fit of abstraction, inattentive, unobservant, unmindful, heedless, unthinking, unheeding, undiscerning, inadvertent, mindless, regardless, respectless, listless, blind, deaf, bird-witted, hand over head, cursory, percursory, giddy-brained, scatter-brained, hare-brained, unreflective, unreflecting, ecervele, offhand, dizzy, muzzy, brainsick, giddy, giddy as a goose, wild, harum-scarum, rantipole, highflying, heedless, careless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, absent, abstracted, distrait, absentminded, lost, lost in thought, wrapped in thought, rapt, in the clouds, bemused, dreaming on other things, musing on other things, preoccupied, engrossed, daydreaming, in a reverie, off one's guard, napping, dreamy, caught napping, disconcerted, distracted, put out, inattentively, inadvertently, absent-mindedly, per incuriam, sub silentio, Int, stand at ease, stand easy!, the attention wanders, one's wits gone a woolgathering, one's wits gone a bird's nesting, it never entered into one's head, the mind running on other things, one's thoughts being elsewhere, had it been a bear it would have bitten you.

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