power of attorney
agency, agentship, assignment, authority, authorization, brevet, care, change, charge, commission, commissioning, commitment, commutation, consignment, cure, delegated authority, delegation, deputation, deputyship, devolution, devolvement, displacement, embassy, empowerment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, exchange, executorship, exequatur, factorship, full power, jurisdiction, legation, license, lieutenancy, mandate, mission, office, plenipotentiary power, power to act, procuration, proxy, purview, quid pro quo, regency, regentship, replacement, representation, responsibility, subrogation, substitution, supersedence, superseding, supersedure, supersession, supplantation, supplanting, supplantment, switch, task, tit for tat, trust, trusteeship, vicarious authority, vicariousness, warrant
power of attorney
commission, delegation, consignment, assignment, procuration, deputation, legation, mission, embassy, agency, agentship,
power of attorney, clerkship, surrogacy, errand, charge, brevet, diploma, exequatur, permit, appointment, nomination, designation, return, charter, ordination, installation, inauguration, investiture, swearing-in, accession, coronation, enthronement, vicegerency, regency, regentship, viceroy, consignee, deputy, agent, delegate, consignee, commissioned, per procurationem.