aftermath, agnate, ancestry, backup man, blood, blood relation, blood relative, brood, children, clansman, cognate, collateral, collateral relative, conclusion, connections, consanguinean, consequence, descendant, descendants, distaff side, distant relation, dynasty, effect, enate, family, flesh, flesh and blood, folks, german, heir, heirs, inheritor, issue, kin, kindred, kinfolk, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman, kith and kin, line, lineage, near relation, next of kin, offspring, people, progeniture, progeny, relations, relatives, replacement, seed, sequel, sib, sibling, spear kin, spear side, spindle kin, spindle side, successor, successors, sword side, tribesman, uterine kin
posterity, progeny, breed, issue, offspring, brood, litter, seed, farrow, spawn, spat, family, grandchildren, heirs, great-grandchild, child, son, daughter, butcha, bantling, scion, acrospire, plumule, shoot, sprout, olive-branch, sprit, branch, off-shoot, off- set, ramification, descendant, heir, heiress, heir-apparent, heir- presumptive, chip off the old block, heredity, rising generation, straight descent, sonship, line, lineage, filiation, primogeniture, filial, diphyletic, the child is father of the man, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, like father, like son.
See related words and definitions of word "
posterity" in Indonesian

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