pleura, n. (pl. pleurae)
1 each of a pair of serous membranes lining the thorax and enveloping the lungs in mammals.
2 lateral extensions of the body-wall in arthropods.
pleural adj.
pleura, pleurisy n. inflammation of the pleura, marked by pain in the chest or side, fever, etc.
pleuritic adj.
ME f. OF pleurisie f. LL pleurisis alt. f. L pleuritis f. Gk (as PLEURA(1))
allantoic membrane, amnion, amniotic sac, arachnoid membrane, basement membrane, conjuctiva, eardrum, hymen, maidenhead, membrana serosa, membrana tympana, membrane, meninges, meninx, neurilemma, pellicle, pericardium, perineurium, serosa, tympanic membrane, tympanum, velum